10 Facts You Didn’t Know About Python

The Snake 🐍 Has Many Secrets For Us

Abhay Parashar
The Pythoneers


“Image By Author”

Python is one of the most popular and used programming languages in the world right now. The thing that makes python much popular is that you can develop anything with it. Python is used by many big companies like Google, Facebook, Netflix, and more. In a recent survey, it is also found that the rover which is sent by NASA to mars has used python programming to process images. There are over 10 million python developers around the world. Having such a large community still, there are some facts that many Python developers don’t know. In this blog, I will tell you about 10 python facts that you didn’t know.

“If You Think You Know It? Think Again” — Author

1. Named After A TV Show

A newbie to python programming always thinks that the name python is after the snake called python, but it is not. The name is given after a popular TV show cam from BBC’s TV Show — ‘Monty Python’s Flying Circus’. The creator of python Guido van Rossum wants a unique and short name, he was also a big fan of the TV Show So he decided to give python name to his invention.

2. It is Older Than Java



Abhay Parashar
The Pythoneers

Cyber Guy 🧑‍💻| Top Writer | 5M+ Views | Engineer | Learning and Sharing Knowledge Everyday | Python is ❤️| Editor of The Pythoneers