10 Handy Automation Scripts You Should Try Using Python
Python’s Second Name is Automation
Automation is the process of completing a task without any human intervention. There are many programming languages that provide different ways to automate tasks but out of all python is a preferred and first choice. The reason is it offers a simple syntax, tons of useful packages to work with. In this blog, we are going to take a look at 10 handy automation scripts you should have using python.
This is the Second Part of the Series Automation scripts you need to try.
1. Your Friend For Reading Articles 👁🗨
This automation script scrapes the article content from medium and then reads it loud and clear. If you change the script a little bit then it can be used to read articles from other websites too. I use this script when I am not in the mood to read but to listen.
Beautiful Soup is a Python package for parsing HTML and XML documents.
requests Let’s You Establish a Connection Between Client and Server With Just One Line of Code.
Pyttsx3, converts text into speech, with control over rate, frequency, and voice.