Features You Can’t Afford to Miss

13 Amazing Python Features You Aren’t Using Enough

That can be a game-changer — Trailing Commas, Assert, Annotations, and more.

Abhay Parashar
The Pythoneers
Published in
13 min readMay 13, 2024


Photo by Afif Ramdhasuma on Unsplash

Python has become a go-to language for developers worldwide due to its simplicity and versatility. It's been used by over 10 Million developers on a day-to-day basis for creating websites, building machine learning models, and writing network scripts. Python is jam-packed with awesome features, yet many of us aren’t making the most of them. In this blog, I’ll introduce you to a bunch of fantastic Python features that you might not be using to their fullest potential.

“With Python, you’re not just writing code, you’re building solutions.” — Author

1. Annotations

In this ever-changing world of programming, clarity is king. Your code should run efficiently but more importantly, it should be easy to read and self-explanatory to help peer developers and sometimes future you.

Annotations are a feature of Python that helps improve code readability by adding metadata to your variable declaration, functions, and classes. They are all about making code more explicit and easier to follow. By using…



Abhay Parashar
The Pythoneers

Cyber Guy 🧑‍💻| Top Writer | 5M+ Views | Engineer | Learning and Sharing Knowledge Everyday | Python is ❤️| Editor of The Pythoneers