30 Most Asked Machine Learning Questions Answered

To Check and Increase Your Knowledge of ML 🤔

Abhay Parashar
The Pythoneers


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Machine Learning is the path to a better and advanced future. A Machine Learning Developer is the most demanding job in 2021 and it is going to increase by 20–30% in the upcoming 3–5 years. Machine Learning by the core is all statistics and programming concepts. The language that is mostly used by Machine learning developers for coding is python because of its simplicity. In this blog, you will some of the most asked machine learning questions that every machine learning enthusiast has to answer one day. Let’s start

0. What is Machine Learning?

Ans: Machine learning is the science of getting computers to act in a real-time situation without being explicitly programmed. It is an application of artificial intelligence that provides systems to automatically learn and improve from previous experience. it allows computers to learn and adapt to new data without any kind of human intervention.

1. Explain the Basic Difference Between Supervised, Unsupervised, and Semi-Supervised Machine Learning?

Ans: Supervised Learning:- A model is trained on the labeled data, and then it makes predictions based on the…



Abhay Parashar
The Pythoneers

Cyber Guy 🧑‍💻| Top Writer | 3M+ Views | Engineer | Learning and Sharing Knowledge Everyday | Python is ❤️| Editor of The Pythoneers