Can Chat-GPT’s New Memory Feature Steal Your Data?

Ajay Parmar
The Pythoneers
Published in
6 min read1 day ago

Can Chat-GPT’s New Memory Feature Steal Your Data?

Photo by Sergey Tiden:

What is in this Blog:

This blog is unlike other Medium articles discussing Chat-GPT’s new features. Instead, this blog focuses on critical aspects of data protection, security, and data piracy. We’ll delve into the following key topics:

1. Can ChatGPT Steal Your Data?

2. Why Did ChatGPT Introduce This Memory Feature?

3. Is This a Common Practice for All Service Providers?

4. What Does Data Stealing Mean? Should We Really Be Concerned?

My Personal Experience with Chat GTP:

As a data engineer, I need to work extensively on my projects, mathematics, coding, statistics, and more.

Since Chat-GPT came into my life, these tasks have likely been minimized, though not completely, but it has certainly helped.

I get daily assistance from Chat-GPT for my emails, research, image generation, personal work, professional work, etc.

With the extensive information I need to feed into AI language models like ChatGPT, sometimes I input whole documents, business data, and more. I am sure this is pretty common for many of us.

As we rely on this language model so much, we might not think twice about feeding it anything to process, and it has become part of our daily lives.

For instance, if I need to search for something, I open this OpenAI tool first instead of traditional search engines like Google or Yahoo.

However, I recently noticed something: this AI language model is now repeating my name, email, phone number, and even knows my bank account number.

That’s when it hit me, and I realized that Chat-GPT is not behaving like it used to, where every time I needed to feed my data to process and generate output.

What is Chat-GTP new memory feature?

“chat gtp new memory feature” this is what i recently noticed it is basically now chat gtp can store your data session to session purpose is remember details from conversation to assist you better,

Information provided can be used to help improve future responses or for session continuity,

Unlike traditional AI models that treat each interaction as a standalone event,

ChatGPT’s memory feature allows it to recall previous conversations and user preferences.

This ability to “remember” creates a more seamless and engaging user experience, making interactions with the AI feel more natural and intuitive.

How Chat GTP’s memory work


As you chat with ChatGPT, you can ask it to remember something specific or let it pick up details itself. ChatGPT’s memory will get better the more you use it and you’ll start to notice the improvements over time. For example:

  • You’ve explained that you prefer meeting notes to have headlines, bullets and action items summarized at the bottom. ChatGPT remembers this and recaps meetings this way.
  • You’ve told ChatGPT you own a neighborhood coffee shop. When brainstorming messaging for a social post celebrating a new location, ChatGPT knows where to start.
  • You mention that you have a toddler and that she loves jellyfish. When you ask ChatGPT to help create her birthday card, it suggests a jellyfish wearing a party hat.
  • As a kindergarten teacher with 25 students, you prefer 50-minute lessons with follow-up activities. ChatGPT remembers this when helping you create lesson plans.

How ChatGPT able to store your sessions conversation?

ChatGPT’s ability to remember and store session information involves several technical processes.
With the advent of memory features in AI, ChatGPT can now offer a more personalized and continuous interaction experience. This involves storing session conversations and utilizing this information to enhance future interactions.

Technical Processes Involved

1.Data Collection:

During a conversation, ChatGPT collects data such as user preferences, frequently discussed topics, and specific details shared.
User Consent: Data collection is performed with user consent to ensure transparency and trust.

2. Data Storage:

Collected data is securely stored using encryption methods to protect user information.
Session Identification:
Each session is identified and stored with unique session IDs to maintain continuity.

3.Data Retrieval:
When a user returns, their session ID helps retrieve past conversation data.
Contextual Awareness:
The AI uses past interactions to provide contextually relevant responses.

4. Data Profiling:
By analyzing stored session data, ChatGPT builds user profiles to understand preferences and behavior.
Personalized Responses:

Data profiling helps generate personalized responses based on the user’s history.

5. Real-time Processing:
The memory feature dynamically updates the stored information in real-time during interactions.
Efficient Algorithms:
Advanced algorithms ensure efficient data processing for quick and accurate retrieval.

Possible Ways Data May Be Stolen by Any Language Module

Photo by Anna Shvets:

Although OpenAI has clarified that ChatGPT is safe and secure, there is no need to worry about it.

However, we still need to be very cautious. While ChatGPT itself may not steal data, many external actors can do so by inserting malicious viruses.

During such times, your ChatGPT account can become vulnerable, and they can capture your data while controlling this model virtually.

Possible Ways Data May Be Stolen

  1. Data Leakage: Unintentional exposure of data through model responses. Examples: AI models revealing sensitive information through generated text. Mishandling of training data leading to inadvertent exposure.
  2. Inference Attacks: Attacks aimed at deducing sensitive information by querying the model. Examples: Adversaries repeatedly querying the model to infer private data.
  3. Model Exploits: Exploiting vulnerabilities in the model to gain unauthorized access to data. Examples: Backdoor attacks where models are intentionally compromised during training.
  4. Data Snooping: Unauthorized access to training or inference data. Examples: Internal threats from employees or service providers with access to data.
  5. Phishing and Social Engineering: Using AI-generated content to deceive users into revealing sensitive information. Examples: Generating emails or messages that mimic legitimate communications to steal data.
  6. Malware and Ransomware: Using AI to develop sophisticated malware or ransomware attacks. Examples: Embedding malicious code in AI-generated content.
  7. Network Attacks: Attacks targeting the network infrastructure used by AI systems. Examples: Man-in-the-middle attacks intercepting data during transmission.

What Does Data Theft Mean, and Do We Need to Be Cautious?


What is Data Theft?

Data theft refers to the unauthorized acquisition of personal, financial, or business information. This can happen through various means, including hacking, phishing, or malware attacks. The stolen data can be used for malicious purposes such as identity theft, financial fraud, or corporate espionage.

Why Should We Be Cautious?

  1. Personal Security: When personal data is stolen, it can lead to identity theft. Thieves can use your information to open credit accounts, make unauthorized purchases, or access other sensitive information.
  2. Financial Loss: Data theft can result in significant financial loss, both for individuals and businesses. Stolen financial information can lead to unauthorized transactions and long-term financial damage.
  3. Privacy Concerns: Stolen data can include private information such as medical records, personal communications, and other sensitive data. This can lead to a breach of privacy and potential emotional distress.
  4. Business Risks: For businesses, data theft can result in the loss of intellectual property, trade secrets, and customer data. This can damage a company’s reputation, lead to legal issues, and cause financial losses.
  5. Cybersecurity Threats: Data theft is often a precursor to larger cybersecurity attacks. Once data is stolen, it can be used to launch further attacks against individuals or organizations.


While OpenAI has emphasized that ChatGPT is designed to be safe and secure, the introduction of its new memory feature raises important questions about data protection and security. This feature, which allows ChatGPT to store and recall session information, significantly enhances user experience by providing more personalized and continuous interactions. However, it also necessitates a careful consideration of potential data theft risks. Understanding how data is collected, stored, and potentially exploited is crucial for maintaining trust and security. Users should remain vigilant and informed about data privacy practices to safeguard their information against unauthorized access and misuse.

