Continuous Probability Distribution with R

Discrete and continuous probability distribution

Amit Chauhan
The Pythoneers


Photo by Naser Tamimi on Unsplash


Let us understand what probability distribution means before moving to the continuous distributions.

The term probability distributions describe the random process (any phenomenon) in terms of probabilities.

The Probability distributions are of two types

  1. Discrete
  2. Continuous

Here, we will be discussing some Continuous probability distributions and how to use them. But first, let us know the exact meaning of Continuous distributions.

In these distributions, the possible outcomes can take any value in a continuous range.

Since there are infinite values to assume, then the probability of taking any one specific value is zero. That’s why we speak of range in these scenarios.


A set of Complex numbers, Real numbers, body’s temperature, measurements such as height and weight.

They possess a continuous smooth curve within a certain range.

Consider an example of age.

The age of an individual is an example of continuous. Whenever we lookout for an…

