Introduction to Django Web-Framework

Making faster web applications in data science and machine learning

Amit Chauhan
The Pythoneers


Photo by Lee Campbell on Unsplash

Django Introduction

Django is used to develop the website or WebApp development. This framework is very usable with python language. There are many frameworks with PHP, dot-net, etc python has also this framework. Here is another web development framework i.e. flask with which we can make a WebApp application with python.

Django follows the MVT pattern i.e. model, view, and templates.

Topics to be covered:

1. What is a framework?
2. What is Django?
3. Why Django and its application?
4. Installation of Python and Django
5. Creating a new project

What is a framework?

The framework is a set of patterns or structures with which we make applications. We can make applications with non-framework methods also in which we put all scripts and folders manually and run the main file.

What is Django?

It is an open-source python framework that helps to build scalable and rapid development of the application.

Why do we need Django?

  1. It is very much secure i.e. it must contain authentication or login level of security.

