Is it time to replace SQLite3 with Firebird? Let’s explore why.

Time to Replace SQLite3 with Firebird? Let’s Find Out Why

Ajay Parmar
The Pythoneers
11 min readJul 5, 2024



A few days ago, during a conversation with one of my clients about an ongoing project, he mentioned that his server was experiencing a lot of glitches and file corruption. I asked how this was happening, and he mentioned that he had recently grown his organization from solo to multiple users. That’s the movements when I identified the problem.

The issue was straightforward but critical: if not addressed in time, it could lead to significant losses. He was still using an SQLite3 server even though his workload had increased tenfold. I simply suggested he shift to Firebird to handle the increased demand more effectively.

So that’s the point that hit in my mind. Why should I not give clarity on those who are new and entering in their new dimensions.

If you are whom those facing similar types of problems then well done you are landed on right page In this blog we are going to discussed why you should shift on firebird

What are firebird and sql3 tools?

In nutshell, firebird and sql3 both are data managers and protectors that both are handle perform which are used in different perspective like health, education, business etc let say suppose university as an example here you can understand better.

Using the Example of Swiss Bank Transactions to Show How Firebird Dominates Over SQLite3

Photo by Expect Best

let’s consider an example involving Swiss bank transactions. Suppose you’re working with a Swiss bank that initially used SQLite for storing transaction records.

As the bank’s operations expanded globally, the volume of transactions increased significantly, necessitating a transition to Firebird for better performance and scalability.

lets see what peroblems was with swiss bank before using Firebird

Scenario: Imagine you have a `transactions` table with millions of rows, and you need to perform complex queries, such as identifying suspicious transactions based on large amounts and frequent transfers between accounts.

Problem in SQLite:

Limited Concurrency: SQLite’s limited concurrency capabilities can’t handle the high volume of simultaneous read and write operations.
Performance Issues: SQLite struggles with large datasets, leading to slow query execution times.
Lack of Advanced Features: SQLite lacks features like user-defined functions, stored procedures, and triggers, which are essential for complex financial operations.

SQLite Query:

This query identifies accounts with potentially suspicious activity by targeting transactions over 100,000. It counts the number of these high-value transactions (`transaction_count`) and sums their amounts (`total_amount`). The `HAVING` clause filters results to include only accounts with more than 10 such transactions. This helps quickly spot accounts that may require further investigation, essential for maintaining security in financial institutions.

- Query to find suspicious transactions in SQLite
SELECT account_id, COUNT(*) AS transaction_count, SUM(amount) AS total_amount
FROM transactions
WHERE amount > 100000
GROUP BY account_id
HAVING transaction_count > 10;

Output: Output for SQLite Query to Find Suspicious Transaction explain

| account_id | transaction_count | total_amount |
| 101 | 15 | 2,300,000 |
| 202 | 12 | 1,500,000 |
| 303 | 20 | 3,000,000 |


  • account_id: The ID of the account with suspicious transactions.
  • transaction_count: The number of transactions exceeding 100,000 for each account.
  • total_amount: The total sum of these transactions for each account.

In this example, accounts 101, 202, and 303 each have more than 10 transactions with amounts greater than 100,000, indicating potentially suspicious activity.

Now, here you can see the transaction process is being slow because the transactions are growing to millions of rows. As the `transactions` table grows to millions of rows, this query may become extremely slow and inefficient in SQLite.

Now let’s see how Firebird performs this transaction.

Transition to Firebird:

Firebird provides the necessary features and performance improvements to handle large datasets efficiently.

Steps to Transition:
1. Install Firebird: Set up a Firebird server.
2. Migrate Data: Transfer your data from SQLite to Firebird. You can use tools like `fbexport` or custom scripts to export data from SQLite and import it into Firebird.
3. Optimize Queries: Leverage Firebird’s advanced SQL features for better query performance.

Firebird Solution:
1. Install Firebird:
— Download and install Firebird from the official website.
— Set up the Firebird server and configure it according to your requirements.

2. Migrate Data:
— Export data from SQLite:

sqlite3 transactions.db .dump > transactions.sql

Import data into Firebird:

isql -u sysdba -p masterkey -i transactions.sql

3. Optimized Query in Firebird:

This query identifies accounts with over 10 transactions exceeding 100,000. It counts these transactions and sums their amounts to highlight potentially suspicious activity, ensuring financial security.

- Optimized query to find suspicious transactions in Firebird
SELECT account_id, COUNT(*) AS transaction_count, SUM(amount) AS total_amount
FROM transactions
WHERE amount > 100000
GROUP BY account_id

Output: Output for Firebird Query to Find Suspicious Transactions

| account_id | transaction_count | total_amount |
| 101 | 15 | 2,300,000.00 |
| 202 | 12 | 1,500,000.00 |
| 303 | 20 | 3,000,000.00 |
| account_id | transaction_count | total_amount |

`account_id`: The ID of the account with suspicious transactions.
`transaction_count`: The number of transactions exceeding 100,000 for each account.
`total_amount`: The total sum of these transactions for each account.

In this example, accounts 101, 202, and 303 each have more than 10 transactions with amounts greater than 100,000, indicating potentially suspicious activity. Firebird efficiently handles these queries even with large datasets, offering better performance and scalability compared to SQLite.

Differences in Output: Firebird vs. Firebird

Image by Apostolos Vamvouras

Before transitioning to Firebird, the Swiss bank experienced numerous glitches and system slowdowns due to the millions of transactions processed. Although the output of both SQLite and Firebird looks similar in terms of structure and content, Firebird focuses more on performance and scalability.

Firebird offers several advantages over SQLite. Its higher performance allows it to handle larger datasets more efficiently, ensuring quicker query execution times. Additionally, Firebird is highly scalable and suitable for large applications with extensive data, capable of managing high volumes of transactions simultaneously without significant slowdowns.

On the other hand, SQLite has limitations that make it less suitable for high-transaction environments. Performance issues arise as SQLite struggles with large datasets, leading to slow query execution times and potential system slowdowns. Moreover, SQLite’s limited concurrency, allowing only one writer at a time, creates a bottleneck when processing numerous transactions.

What should you do next for smooth transitioning from SQLite3 to Firebird:

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio:

So if you’re here in this section of the article, I’m sure you’re curious to know how a smooth transition from SQLite3 to Firebird would be.

in this section included Steps, Installation, and Examples:

Step 1: Export Data from SQLite3

First, you need to export the SQLite3 database schema and data.

1. Export the Schema:

Use the SQLite3 `.schema` command to export the schema:

sqlite3 your_database.db .schema > schema.sql

2. Export the Data:

Use the SQLite3 `.dump` command to export the data:

sqlite3 your_database.db .dump > dump.sql

Step 2: Transform Schema and Data for Firebird

Firebird SQL and SQLite3 SQL have some differences. You need to adjust the exported SQL files to be compatible with Firebird.

1. Edit Schema:

Open the `schema.sql` file and make necessary changes. Here are some common adjustments:


- Remove `AUTOINCREMENT` keywords as Firebird uses `GENERATORS` and `TRIGGERS` for auto-incrementing fields.

- Adjust data types where necessary (e.g., replace `TEXT` with `VARCHAR`).

- Remove or modify any SQLite-specific SQL syntax.

Here is an example transformation:

SQLite3 Schema:

name TEXT,

Firebird Schema:

name VARCHAR(255),
- Create a generator for auto-increment
CREATE GENERATOR gen_users_id;
- Create a trigger to use the generator
NEW.ID = GEN_ID(gen_users_id, 1);

2. Edit Data Dump:

Open the `dump.sql` file and remove any SQLite-specific commands. Adjust `INSERT` statements if needed. Firebird’s syntax for `INSERT` statements is usually compatible with SQLite.

Step 3: Create the Database in Firebird

Create a new Firebird database and apply the modified schema.

1. Create Database:

Use the `isql-fb` command to create a new Firebird database and apply the schema:

isql-fb -u SYSDBA -p your_password
Inside the Firebird interactive SQL tool, run:

CREATE DATABASE ‘/path/to/your/database.fdb’ USER ‘SYSDBA’ PASSWORD ‘your_password’;


INPUT ‘path/to/modified/schema.sql’;



Step 4: Import Data into Firebird

Import the data into the new Firebird database.

1. Load Data:

Use the `isql-fb` tool again to load the data:

isql-fb -u SYSDBA -p your_password /path/to/your/database.fdb

Inside the Firebird interactive SQL tool, run:

INPUT 'path/to/modified/dump.sql';

Step 5: Verify the Data

After importing, verify that the data has been correctly transferred.

1. Check Tables:

Use SQL queries to check the data in your Firebird database. For example:

SELECT * FROM users;

Example Python Code for Verification

You can use Python to connect to the Firebird database and verify the data:

1. Install the `fdb` Library:

If you haven’t installed it already, use pip:

pip install fdb

2. Python Code:

This Python script demonstrates connecting to a Firebird database and querying data from a `users` table. It uses the `fdb` library to establish a connection (`con`) to the database located at `localhost:/path/to/your/database.fdb`, with authentication credentials (`user=’SYSDBA’`, `password=’your_password’`). A cursor (`cur`) is created to execute SQL queries. The script then executes a query (`cur.execute`) to select all rows from the `users` table and iterates over the results using a `for` loop to print each row. Finally, it closes the database connection (`con.close()`) to release resources properly after use.

import fdb
# Connect to the Firebird database
con = fdb.connect(
# Create a cursor
cur = con.cursor()
# Execute a query to check data
cur.execute("SELECT * FROM users")
# Fetch and print results
for row in cur.fetchall():
# Close the connection

Replace `/path/to/your/database.fdb` and `your_password` with the actual path to your Firebird database file and your Firebird password.

By following these steps, you should be able to successfully transfer your SQLite3 database to Firebird.

Installing Firebird on your system can be done by following these steps. I’ll provide detailed instructions for installation on both Windows and Linux (Ubuntu).

For Windows

  1. Download Firebird:

Visit the [Firebird download page]( and download the appropriate installer for your Windows version (32-bit or 64-bit).

2. Run the Installer:

Double-click the downloaded installer to start the installation process.

3. Installation Steps:

- Welcome Screen: Click “Next.”

- License Agreement:

Read and accept the license agreement, then click “Next.”

- Choose Components: Select the components you want to install. The default selection is usually sufficient.

- Select Destination Location: Choose the installation directory or leave it as default, then click “Next.”

- Select Start Menu Folder: Choose the Start Menu folder or leave it as default, then click “Next.”

- Select Additional Tasks: Choose additional tasks, such as creating desktop shortcuts or starting Firebird as a service, then click “Next.”

- Ready to Install: Review your settings and click “Install.”

4. Complete the Installation:

  • Finish: Once the installation is complete, click “Finish.”

For Ubuntu (Linux)


1. Update the Package List:

Open a terminal and update your package list:

sudo apt update

2. Install Firebird:

Install the Firebird package using the following command:

sudo apt install firebird3.0-server firebird3.0-utils

3. Configure Firebird:

During the installation, you will be prompted to set a password for the Firebird `SYSDBA` user. Enter a strong password and confirm it.

4. Enable and Start Firebird Service:

Enable and start the Firebird service using the following commands:

sudo systemctl enable firebird3.0
sudo systemctl start firebird3.0

5. Verify Installation:

You can verify that Firebird is running by checking its status:

sudo systemctl status firebird3.0

Basic Firebird Configuration:

1. Set Environment Variables (Optional):

For ease of use, you can set the `FIREBIRD` environment variable. Add the following line to your `.bashrc` or `.bash_profile` file:

export FIREBIRD=/usr/lib/firebird

Then, reload the file:

source ~/.bashrc

2. Create a Database:

To create a new database, use the `isql` command-line tool. Open a terminal and run:

sudo isql-fb

Then, create a database with the following SQL command:

CREATE DATABASE '/path/to/your/database.fdb' USER 'SYSDBA' PASSWORD 'your_password';

Replace `’/path/to/your/database.fdb’` with the desired path and `your_password` with the password you set during installation.

3. Connect to the Database:

To connect to your newly created database, use:

sudo isql-fb /path/to/your/database.fdb -u SYSDBA -p your_password

Replace `’/path/to/your/database.fdb’` with the path to your database file and `your_password` with your password.

Example Code:

Here is a simple example of connecting to Firebird using Python with the `fdb` library:

1. Install the fdb Library:

First, install the `fdb` library using pip:

pip install fdb

2. Python Code to Connect to Firebird:

This Python script connects to a Firebird database and retrieves information about its tables. Using the `fdb` library, it first establishes a connection with the specified database by providing the database path (`dsn`), username (`user`), and password (`password`). A cursor object (`cur`) is then created to interact with the database. The script executes a query (`cur.execute`) to select all entries from the `rdb$relations` table, which contains metadata about the database tables. It fetches and prints each row of the result set. Finally, the connection is closed to ensure proper resource management.

import fdb
# Define connection parameters
con = fdb.connect(
# Create a cursor
cur = con.cursor()
# Execute a query
cur.execute("SELECT * FROM rdb$relations")
# Fetch and print results
for row in cur.fetchall():
# Close the connection

Replace `’/path/to/your/database.fdb’` with the path to your Firebird database file and `your_password` with your password.

These steps and code examples should help you get started with Firebird on both Windows and Linux.


In the end, ensure you prioritise understanding the needs of your work. Transitioning from SQLite3 to Firebird can offer significant advantages, but remember that both databases have their own strengths. SQLite3 is lightweight and self-contained, whereas Firebird requires external storage, which allows it to handle larger server capacities concurrently. Firebird excels in terms of concurrency, performance, scalability, advanced features, security, reliability, and flexibility. The decision to switch should be based on a thorough evaluation of your application’s current and future requirements. If your application is growing and requires more robust database management capabilities, Firebird can be a compelling choice.

