NLP: Roadmap of Algorithms from BOW to Bert

Understand the concept of natural language processing in deep learning

Amit Chauhan
The Pythoneers


The art-of-the-state algorithms is emerging in the field of natural language processing which is a sub-part of artificial intelligence. The road map to start learning the NLP algorithms is explained in this article.

Topics to be covered:

- NLP introduction
- String or text Methods
- RE (Regular Expression)
- Level 1: Data Pre-processing Methods in NLP
- Level 2: Concept of Bag of Words, TF-IDF, and N-grams
- Use cases of Level BOW and TF-IDF
- One Hot representation of Words
- Level 3: Word Embedding
- Level 4: Deep learning algorithms in NLP
- Bidirectional RNN
- Level 5: Sequence to Sequence Models
- Level 6: Attention Models

NLP Introduction

The taste of predicting something in the field of text or speech is revolutionized today’s technology of communication with the help of artificial intelligence-based algorithms.

Natural language processing is a subpart of the AI that is used to do text data extracting, pre-processing, and deploy the application like chatbots, Task Schedule Bots that becomes a daily part of life.

