Top 15 Python Packages You Must Try

A handpicked list of the most useful and surprising Python packages from PyPI

Erik van Baaren
Python Land


Image by author

Why do we all love Python? For starters, it’s a beautiful and easy-to-learn programming language. Another reason: it comes with batteries included, meaning Python has many excellent libraries included by default. But in my opinion, it’s the 230,000 user-contributed packages that make Python really powerful and popular.

In this article, I handpicked 15 packages that I found most useful during my 10-year career as a Pythonista. Let’s go!

1. Dash

Dash is relatively new. It’s ideal for building data visualization apps in pure Python, so it’s particularly suited for anyone who works with data. Dash is a blend of Flask, Plotly.js, and React.js.

Example Dash app, screenshot by author

Dash allows you to quickly scaffold the stuff you need into a beautiful dashboard without the need to touch a single line of Javascript.

2. PyGame

Pygame is a Python wrapper module for the SDL multimedia library. Simple DirectMedia Layer is a cross-platform development library designed to…

