Write For Us

Erik van Baaren
Python Land
Published in
Aug 17, 2021
Photo by Kaitlyn Baker on Unsplash

If you’re a writer and love Python as much as we do, consider publishing your stories on Python Land.

These are the biggest advantages:

  • We have a 1.2K+, dedicated reader base that is growing by the day.
  • We have a high standard regarding the quality of your article. So for, all our articles get chosen for ‘further distribution’.
  • We will give suggestions, edit, and help out (but there’s a limit to our time, obviously)
  • We publish very quickly (if the quality is there), no use in waiting around!

You can get in touch through the contact form on our website. Please provide the following info:

  • Any existing work you’d like to show us
  • A link to your Medium profile page

