A Journey to Learn Data Science: 100 Days Plan

A simple plan to learn and hone skills in data science within 100 days starting from Sun, 16 Jun 2024.

Ahmad Yusuf Albadri
Python’s Gurus
2 min readJun 15, 2024


Photo by Jaredd Craig on Unsplash

Hi, welcome to my article on how I plan my learning journey in Data Science!

I’m Yusuf, a former Data Scientist (Analytics) at Tokopedia, one of the biggest E-Commerce companies in Indonesia, which ByteDance acquired in early 2024.

The recent layoff impacted me on 14 Jun 2024, which made me lose my job.

On the positive side, this could be a great moment to hone my skills in Data Science and finish my list of Data Science books that I haven’t finished while working as a Data Scientist.

The plan is simple: understand at least 5 pages of each book daily and document it digitally.

I will focus on finishing these 5 books within the next 100 days starting on 16 June 2024. These books will cover the fundamentals of Data Science starting from mathematics, statistics, machine learning, causal inference, and programming. Three out of five of these books are open source.

1. Mathematics for Machine Learning

Free resource: https://mml-book.github.io/

2. Introduction to Mathematical Statistics, 8th Edition

3. An Introduction to Statistical Learning: with Applications in Python

Free resource: https://www.statlearning.com/

4. Practical Statistics for Data Scientists: 50+ Essential Concepts using R and Python

5. Causal Inference: What If

Free resource: https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/miguel-hernan/causal-inference-book/

I’m planning to use Medium as one of my digital learning documentation.

For the programming language, I will use Python.

Don’t forget to follow me on Medium for more updates on my learning journey. You can gain insights and learn from what I learned too!

Happy learning!

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Ahmad Yusuf Albadri
Python’s Gurus

Data Analyst at an E-Commerce company | Sharing my learnings and thoughts related to Data Science, Data Analytics, and Statistics