How to Use *args and **kwargs in Python

Mastering Variable Arguments in Python: A Guide to *args and **kwargs

Python’s Gurus


Photo by Mārtiņš Zemlickis on Unsplash

Have you ever encountered a situation where you wanted a function to accept a variable number of arguments? Perhaps you were writing a utility function that needed to handle different numbers of inputs gracefully, or maybe you were developing a more complex application where the exact parameters couldn’t be predetermined.

In such scenarios, having the ability to pass a flexible number of arguments to a function can be incredibly powerful and convenient. Python, with its versatility and ease of use, provides a straightforward solution to this problem through the use of *args and **kwargs.

These features allow you to create more adaptable and dynamic functions, capable of handling a wide variety of inputs without sacrificing readability or functionality.

Or maybe you’ve faced a different challenge: needing to pass a list of named arguments to a function, but the names and number of these arguments weren’t fixed. This is common in situations where configuration settings or options need to be passed to functions, and these options can vary. Managing such named arguments can become cumbersome if you have to account for every possible combination explicitly. Python’s **kwargs feature addresses this elegantly by allowing you to pass a dictionary of keyword arguments to a function, making your code cleaner and more maintainable.

Hi, my name is CyCoderX, and in this article, we will explore *args and **kwargs, discussing what they are, how they work, and how you can use them to write more flexible and efficient Python code.

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Introduction to *args and **kwargs

In Python, *args and **kwargs allow you to pass a variable number of arguments to a function. These can make your functions more flexible and reusable. Let's break down how and when to use them.

Using *args for Variable Positional Arguments

The *args syntax allows a function to accept any number of positional arguments. Here's a simple example to illustrate how *args works:

def print_numbers(*args):
for number in args:

print_numbers(1, 2, 3)
print_numbers(4, 5, 6, 7, 8)




  • The *args parameter in the function definition allows it to accept any number of arguments as a tuple.
  • The for loop iterates over each number in the args tuple and prints it.
  • The two function calls demonstrate that the function can handle different numbers of arguments.

In this example, *args collects all positional arguments passed to the function into a tuple. This means you can pass as many arguments as you like, and the function will handle them gracefully.

Using **kwargs for Variable Keyword Arguments

Similarly, **kwargs allows a function to accept an arbitrary number of keyword arguments. Here's an example to demonstrate this:

def print_info(**kwargs):
for key, value in kwargs.items():
print(f"{key}: {value}")

print_info(name="Alice", age=30, city="Wonderland")
print_info(name="Bob", occupation="Builder")


name: Alice
age: 30
city: Wonderland
name: Bob
occupation: Builder

In this case, **kwargs collects all keyword arguments into a dictionary. This allows the function to handle a variable number of named arguments.

Combining *args and **kwargs

You can also use *args and **kwargs together in the same function to handle both positional and keyword arguments. Here's an example:

def display_details(*args, **kwargs):
print("Positional arguments:")
for arg in args:
print("\nKeyword arguments:")
for key, value in kwargs.items():
print(f"{key}: {value}")

display_details(1, 2, 3, name="Charlie", age=25, hobby="Coding")

Positional arguments:

Keyword arguments:
name: Charlie
age: 25
hobby: Coding


  • The function display_details takes both positional arguments (*args) and keyword arguments (**kwargs).
  • The *args are collected into a tuple and iterated over to print each argument.
  • The **kwargs are collected into a dictionary, and its key-value pairs are iterated over to print each key and its corresponding value.
  • When the function is called, the numbers 1, 2, and 3 are passed as positional arguments, while name, age, and hobby are passed as keyword arguments.

In this function, *args captures all positional arguments, while **kwargs captures all keyword arguments. This makes the function highly versatile, able to accept various types of inputs.

Practical Use Case: Logging Function

Let’s consider a practical use case where *args and **kwargs can be particularly useful. Imagine you are building a logging function that needs to handle various types of log messages with different levels of detail:

def log_message(level, *args, **kwargs):
print(f"[{level.upper()}] ", end="")
for message in args:
print(message, end=" ")
if kwargs:
print("\nAdditional Info:")
for key, value in kwargs.items():
print(f" {key}: {value}")

log_message("info", "This is an info message.")
log_message("warning", "This is a warning.", "Check the system status.")
log_message("error", "An error occurred!", code=500, description="Server error")


[INFO] This is an info message.
[WARNING] This is a warning. Check the system status.
[ERROR] An error occurred!
Additional Info:
code: 500
description: Server error


The log_message function is designed to log messages with varying levels of severity and additional information.

  • The level argument specifies the log level (info, warning, error).
  • The *args argument allows for any number of positional arguments to be passed as the main message.
  • The **kwargs argument allows for optional keyword arguments to provide additional details.

In this example, the log_message function can handle various levels and types of log messages, making it extremely flexible for different logging needs.


To sum up, *args and **kwargs are powerful features in Python that allow you to create flexible and reusable functions. These features give you the ability to handle a variable number of positional and keyword arguments, making your code more adaptable to different scenarios. This flexibility is particularly useful in situations where the number and types of arguments that a function needs to process can change dynamically. By leveraging *args, you can pass an arbitrary number of positional arguments to your functions, which are then accessible as a tuple. This is perfect for functions that need to process lists of items, aggregate values, or perform operations on varying sets of inputs.

On the other hand, **kwargs provides a mechanism to pass a variable number of keyword arguments, which are captured as a dictionary. This is extremely useful for configuration settings, optional parameters, and any case where named arguments enhance clarity and functionality. By using **kwargs, you can avoid the rigidity of fixed parameters and design functions that are more intuitive and easier to use, especially in complex systems where flexibility is key.

That’s all for today. If you found this article helpful, don’t forget to share it with your fellow developers and continue exploring more Python tips and tricks in your coding journey! The world of Python is vast and full of powerful features that can simplify your coding experience and enhance your productivity. By mastering concepts like *args and **kwargs, you equip yourself with tools that make your code not only more elegant but also more robust and versatile.

Happy coding! May your journey with Python be filled with learning, innovation, and success. Keep experimenting, keep exploring, and most importantly, keep coding!

Photo by Mark Fuller on Unsplash

Final Words:

Thank you for taking the time to read my article.

This article was first published on medium by CyCoderX.

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