Mastering File Handling in Python: A Comprehensive Guide Part 6

Mr Stucknet
Python’s Gurus
Published in
2 min readMay 18, 2024

Directory content

With Python, you can also inspect the contents of a directory. We will show you two ways of doing this. This is the first:

# files/
from pathlib import Path

p = Path('.')
for entry in p.glob('*'):
print('File:' if entry.is_file() else 'Folder:', entry)

This snippet uses the glob() method of a Path object, applied from the current directory. We iterate on the results, each of which is an instance of a subclass of Path (PosixPath or WindowsPath, according to which OS we are running). For each entry, we inspect if it is a directory, and print accordingly. Running the code yields the following (we omitted a few results for brevity):

$ python
File: fear.txt
Folder: compression

An alternative way to scan a directory tree is given to us by os.walk. Let’s see an example:

# files/
import os

for root, dirs, files in os.walk('.'):
abs_root = os.path.abspath(root)

if dirs:
for dir_ in dirs:

if files:
for filename in files:

Running the preceding snippet will produce a list of all the files and directories in the current one, and it will do the same for each sub-directory.

File and directory compression

Before we leave this section, let us give you an example of how to create
a compressed file. In the source code of the book, we have two examples: one creates a .zip file, while the other one creates a tar.gz file. Python allows you to create compressed files in several different ways and formats. Here, we are going to show you how to create the most common one, ZIP:

# files/compression/
from zipfile import ZipFile
with ZipFile('', 'w') as zp:
with ZipFile('') as zp:
zp.extract('content1.txt', 'extract_zip')
zp.extract('subfolder/content3.txt', 'extract_zip')

In the preceding code, we import ZipFile, and then, within a context manager, we write into it four files (two of which are in a sub-folder, to show how ZIP preserves the full path). Afterward, as an example, we open the compressed file and extract a couple of files from it into the extract_zip directory. If you are interested in learning more about data compression, make sure you check out the Data Compression and Archiving section on the standard library (, where you’ll be able to learn all about this topic.

That’s it for today. See you tomorrow.

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