Stop Doing It in Python

Miner Of Ideas
Python’s Gurus
Published in
7 min readJan 25, 2024


Once Taylor Swift said “You will never be able to find happiness if you stay attached to the wrong coding practices and don’t move on.”

Okay, she didn’t say exactly that, but it must be… In case if she was a Python Developer.

The better way to stop doing wrong moves is pratice good moves, but don’t overusing it.

It has some good moves that I like to use, but I only use them when readability is not compromised.

Photo by Jad Limcaco on Unsplash

Python, known for its simplicity and readability, is a favorite among developers. However, even experienced programmers can fall into habits that lead to less efficient, less readable, and more error-prone code. Here, we’ll explore common pitfalls in Python programming and why it’s important to avoid them.

The if-else statement in Python is a fundamental control flow tool that allows you to execute different code blocks based on certain conditions. Here's how you use if-else and elif (else if) statements in Python:

Basic if statement: Executes a block of code if a specified condition is true.



Miner Of Ideas
Python’s Gurus

I write about my passions: AI,Data and Software Engineering, Road Trips on Motorcycles, Data Science, Social Marketing, Investments, Books, Personal Development