Unlocking the Semantics of CAD Programs: A Novel Approach to Automated Commenting

Joe El Khoury - GenAI Engineer
Python’s Gurus
Published in
10 min readJun 7, 2024


CAD software is widely used in various industries, such as architecture, engineering, and manufacturing, to create 2D and 3D models of products, buildings, and other objects. However, CAD programs often lack meaningful and contextual comments, making it difficult for users to understand the purpose and functionality of different parts of the code.

The lack of semantic comments in CAD programs can lead to several issues:

  • Without proper comments, it becomes challenging for designers, engineers, and collaborators to comprehend the logic and intent behind specific code segments. This can hinder effective communication and knowledge sharing within teams.
  • As CAD projects grow in complexity, the absence of semantic comments makes it harder to maintain and update the codebase. Developers may struggle to identify the purpose of certain code blocks, leading to inefficiencies and potential errors during modifications.
  • When CAD programs lack semantic comments, it becomes difficult for users to identify reusable components or modules. This can result in duplication of effort and reduced productivity, as designers may end up recreating similar functionalities instead of leveraging existing code.
  • In collaborative CAD projects, the lack of semantic comments can hinder effective teamwork. Collaborators may find it challenging to understand the contributions of their peers, leading to miscommunication and potential conflicts.

To address these issues, a team of researchers propose CADTalker, a method that automatically generates semantic comments for CAD programs by leveraging image segmentation techniques. By treating the CAD model as an image and applying advanced image processing and deep learning algorithms, CADTalker can identify and label different parts of the model, providing meaningful and contextually relevant comments.

In practice, CADTalker can be integrated into CAD software as a feature to assist designers and engineers in documenting and understanding their projects.

Why is it useful?

CADTalker can automatically generate semantic comments for CAD programs, saving time and effort in manually documenting the code. This can help maintain consistent and up-to-date documentation, improving the overall quality and maintainability of CAD projects.

  • With semantic comments generated by CADTalker, users can more easily navigate and understand complex CAD programs. By providing meaningful labels and descriptions for different parts of the model, CADTalker helps users grasp the purpose and functionality of specific code segments, facilitating code comprehension and exploration.
  • In collaborative CAD projects, CADTalker can enhance the design review process by providing a common language and understanding of the model. Semantic comments can serve as a basis for discussion and feedback, enabling team members to communicate more effectively and make informed decisions.
  • CADTalker can be used as an educational tool to help novice designers and engineers learn and understand CAD programming concepts. By providing semantic comments, CADTalker can guide learners through the structure and functionality of CAD models, facilitating the learning process.
  • The semantic comments generated by CADTalker can be leveraged by other tools and systems in the CAD ecosystem. For example, the comments can be used to enable semantic search and retrieval of CAD models, facilitating the reuse and sharing of design knowledge across projects and organizations.

Challenges and Proposed Solution:

Thus, the goal is to analyze a plain CAD program and augment it with semantic comments that describe the different parts and their meanings.
Solving this problem solely in the program domain is challenging due to the lack of large datasets of commented CAD programs that could be used to train language-specific models. However, by leveraging the executor, we can access the corresponding visual domain, where semantic analysis is more tractable. They thus cast the problem of program semantic commenting into a problem of image semantic segmentation.

Working in the visual domain presents a few challenges:

  • Firstly, CAD programs, especially human-made ones, have complex structures with control flows and subroutines. This makes the propagation of labels from the visual domain to the program domain nontrivial. To address this, a program parsing step is required to identify commentable code blocks and register them with image pixels.
  • Secondly, CAD programs often lack material texture, resulting in texture-less images that challenge visual domain models.

Moreover, the programs are sometimes flat and abstracted, like blueprints, which can pose difficulties for vision models. To overcome this, an image-to-image translation step using ControlNet is designed to translate the CAD-style images into photorealistic images that better benefit from foundational vision models.

  • Thirdly, CAD programs include various object categories, such as animals, vehicles, and objects. Thus, open-vocabulary labels from large language models and open-vocabulary semantic segmentation from foundational vision models are necessary.


The core idea behind the proposed method, CADTalker, is to reduce the problem of commenting CAD programs to an image-based segmentation task.

By treating the CAD model as an image and applying segmentation techniques, the method can identify and label different parts of the model. This approach allows the use of well-established image segmentation algorithms and deep learning architectures to tackle the problem of semantic commenting in CAD programs.

In a nutshell, the key idea is to execute the input CAD program to create the 3D shape, render it from multiple views to obtain 2D images, run computer vision models on these images to identify semantic parts and their labels, and then propagate the labels back to the original CAD instructions to insert meaningful comments.

Method Features:

CAD Model Parsing:

One of the key features of CADTalker is its ability to parse the input CAD model effectively. The method analyzes the structure and components of the CAD model to extract relevant features that can aid in the commenting process. This parsing step helps in understanding the geometry, hierarchical relationships, and other essential characteristics of the CAD model, which are crucial for generating accurate and meaningful comments.

Program Parsing:

In addition to parsing the CAD model, CADTalker also performs program parsing to identify irreducible blocks within the CAD program. Irreducible blocks are code segments that cannot be further divided into smaller components. By analyzing the tree structure of the CAD program, the method detects these irreducible blocks, which serve as the basic units for generating comments. This program parsing step ensures that the generated comments are associated with the appropriate level of granularity in the CAD program.

CAD Realistic Rendering:

To enhance the performance of the commenting task, CADTalker incorporates a realistic rendering technique. The method first obtains a depth map from the input CAD model, which provides information about the spatial relationships and depths of different components. Using a deep learning model called ControlNet, the depth map is then transformed into a realistic image that closely resembles the appearance of the actual CAD model. This realistic rendering step helps in capturing the visual features and details of the model, which can be leveraged by the subsequent object detection and segmentation algorithms.

Proposed Algorithm:

Given a CAD program, the following algorithm is proposed:
1. Program Parsing: Apply a parsing step to build the syntax tree and identify commentable code blocks.
2. Shape Rendering: Execute the CAD program to obtain the 3D shape and render it from multiple views to produce depth maps.
3. Image Translation: Use ControlNet to translate the CAD-style depth maps into photorealistic images.
4. Part Name Suggestion: Exploit CLIP to suggest a list of part names.
5. Object Detection and Segmentation: Use DINO and SAM to detect and segment object parts on the photorealistic images.
6. Label Voting and Propagation: Vote on the segmented labels across views and image instances, and back-propagate them to the original program.


To train and evaluate the CADTalker method, CADTalk was introduced which is a new benchmark dataset . The dataset consists of both real-world 3D CAD models and artificially generated datasets. The real-world CAD datasets provide a diverse collection of CAD models from various domains and applications. In addition to the real-world data, artificial datasets by creating cuboids and ellipsoids from conventional 3D shape datasets were generated. These artificial datasets help in augmenting the training data and evaluating the robustness of the method across different geometric primitives.

Qualitative Evaluation:

Qualitative examples were presented to demonstrate the effectiveness of CADTalker in generating semantic comments for CAD models. The qualitative evaluation compares the ground truth (GT) comments, which are manually annotated by experts, with the predicted (Pred) comments generated by CADTalker. The visual comparison highlights the ability of the method to accurately identify and label different parts of the CAD model, providing meaningful and contextually relevant comments.

Qualitative Evaluation — Comparison:

To further assess the performance of CADTalker, comparative analysis against baseline methods were conducted. The baseline methods represent existing approaches or techniques that have been previously used for similar tasks. By comparing CADTalker with these baselines, we can demonstrate the superiority and effectiveness of the proposed method. The qualitative comparison showcases the improved accuracy, coherence, and relevance of the comments generated by CADTalker compared to the baseline methods.

Evaluation Metrics:

Two main evaluation metrics were employed to quantitatively assess the performance of CADTalker:
1. Block Accuracy: This metric measures the proportion of correctly labeled blocks out of the total number of blocks in the CAD program. It is calculated by dividing the number of correctly labeled blocks (m) by the total number of blocks (n). Block Accuracy provides an overall indication of the method’s ability to assign accurate labels to the code blocks.
2. Semantic IoU: Semantic Intersection over Union (IoU) is a commonly used metric in image segmentation tasks. In the context of CADTalker, Semantic IoU is computed for each ground truth label (l_k) and its corresponding predicted label (l_k*) across all K labels in the dataset. IoU measures the overlap between the ground truth and predicted labels, providing a more fine-grained evaluation of the method’s performance at the semantic level.

Evaluation Results:

The evaluation results presented in the paper demonstrate that CADTalker achieves improved performance compared to the baseline methods. The method exhibits higher Block Accuracy, indicating its ability to correctly label a larger proportion of code blocks in the CAD programs. Additionally, CADTalker achieves better Semantic IoU scores, suggesting that it can accurately segment and label different parts of the CAD model at a more granular level. These quantitative results validate the effectiveness of the proposed method in generating meaningful and precise semantic comments for CAD programs.


Despite the promising results, some limitations and failure cases of the CADTalker pipeline were discussed. The qualitative analysis reveals certain patterns where the method struggles to generate accurate comments. Two specific examples are highlighted:
1. In one case, CADTalker confuses the bird “turkey” with the country “Turkey”. This confusion arises due to the ambiguity in the naming and the lack of contextual understanding.
2. In another instance, the object detection component (DINO) mistakenly identifies a “broom” as a “head”. This misclassification occurs because of the similarity in the visual appearance of the two objects.
These limitations underscore the challenges in handling ambiguous or visually similar objects and the need for further improvements in the method’s ability to capture contextual information and disambiguate between different entities.


In this research, CADTalker is introduced , a novel method for generating semantic comments in CAD programs, and present CADTalk, a benchmark dataset for evaluating the performance of such methods. By reducing the problem of commenting CAD programs to an image segmentation task, CADTalker leverages advanced image processing and deep learning techniques to accurately identify and label different parts of the CAD model. The method incorporates CAD model parsing, program parsing, and realistic rendering to enhance the quality and relevance of the generated comments. The evaluation results demonstrate the superiority of CADTalker compared to baseline methods, achieving higher Block Accuracy and Semantic IoU scores. Despite some limitations and failure cases, the research highlights the potential of using image-based approaches for semantic commenting in CAD programs and provides a strong baseline for future work in this domain. The CADTalk dataset and the CADTalker method contribute to the advancement of automated documentation and interpretation of CAD programs, ultimately improving their maintainability and usability for designers and engineers.

The proposed approach bridges the gap between the program and visual domains, enabling automated documentation and understanding of CAD programs. By providing semantic comments, this work aims to enhance the interpretability and reusability of CAD programs, benefiting designers, engineers, and collaborators working with complex CAD projects. As more research is conducted in this area, we can expect further improvements in the accuracy and robustness of semantic commenting algorithms, ultimately enhancing productivity and collaboration in CAD-based workflows.

Bibliographic Information:

The research paper and related materials can be found on the project website: https://enigma-li.github.io/CADTalk/.

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I’m Joe, and my ambition is to lead the way to industry 5.0 performance. I’m always interested in new opportunities, so don’t hesitate to contact me on my LinkedIn.



Joe El Khoury - GenAI Engineer
Python’s Gurus

Generative AI Engineer at OnePoint France Leading the way to Industry 5.0 performance