Unveiling the Magic: Objects and Classes in Java

Python’s Gurus
Published in
4 min readJun 27, 2024


Photo by Wonderlane on Unsplash

Java is a key player in modern programming, all about Object-Oriented Programming (OOP). Among the OOP basics, Objects and Classes are super important, bringing code to life and shaping it to resemble the real world. Let’s dig into these cool concepts, understanding their core and how they shake up our programming adventures.

The Essence of Object-Oriented Programming

OOP goes beyond being just a coding approach; it’s a philosophy that makes our code clear and modular. It allows us to create software that’s easy to understand, reusable, and maintainable. The core concepts of OOP include Objects, Classes, Inheritance, Polymorphism, Abstraction, and Encapsulation. Let’s take a deep dive into the world of Objects and Classes, which form the foundation of OOP.

Objects and Classes: Breathing Life into Code

What is a Class?

Think of a class as a blueprint, a template that defines the properties and behaviors of the objects created from it. In the real world, a blueprint of a house outlines the structure, but the actual house is built from this blueprint. Similarly, in Java, a class lays the groundwork for objects.

What is an Object?

An object is an instance of a class. It is a tangible entity that holds the properties defined by the class. Just as you can have multiple houses built from the same blueprint, you can create multiple objects from the same class.

Creating Objects from Classes

To create an object in Java, we use the new keyword. This keyword allocates memory for the object and initializes it using the class constructor. Let’s see this in action:-

In this snippet, Example1 is a class with attributes name and age. We create an object ex of the Example1 class and print its attributes. Notice how the new keyword is pivotal in bringing the object to life.

Multiple Instances of a Class

Just as a blueprint can be used to build several houses, a class can be used to create multiple objects. Each object is an independent entity with its own set of properties.

Here, ex1 and ex2 are two separate objects of the Example2 class, each with its own copy of the attributes name and age.

Organizing Code with Multiple Classes

Often, it’s practical to separate the definition of a class from its usage. This helps in organizing code, making it modular and easier to manage.

Here name and age are the atributes of Example3 class.
In this example, Example3 defines the class, while Example4 contains the main method that creates and manipulates an Example3 object. This separation enhances readability and maintainability.

Class Attributes: The Heart of Objects

Attributes (or fields) in a class are the variables that hold the data for objects. They define the state of an object.

In Example3, name and age are attributes. Accessing these attributes is straightforward:

Modifying Class Attributes

Attributes can be modified after an object is created, allowing dynamic changes to the object’s state.

However, to prevent unwanted modifications, attributes can be declared as final, making them immutable:

Class Methods: Actions for Objects

Methods in a class define the behaviors or actions that objects can perform. Methods can be either public or static. Public methods require an object to be called, while static methods can be called directly on the class.

In this example, fruits() is a public method requiring an object for invocation, while vegetables() is a static method that can be called directly.


Objects and Classes are the bedrock of Java’s Object-Oriented Programming. They provide a structured and modular way to encapsulate data and behavior, making our code more aligned with real-world entities and interactions. Understanding and mastering these concepts is essential for any aspiring Java programmer, setting the stage for deeper exploration into the realms of Inheritance, Polymorphism, Abstraction, and Encapsulation. Happy coding! and don’t forget to checkout my articles about basics to advanced concepts of Java.

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