What is the actual meaning of Flattening a Tensor ?

Abhishek Kumar Pandey
Python’s Gurus
Published in
6 min readJun 17, 2024


Imagine you have a big box of toys that you want to play with. But instead of having all your toys in one big box, they’re organized into smaller boxes inside the bigger box. Each smaller box might contain cars, dolls, action figures, etc., just like how each toy is part of a category.

Now, imagine if you wanted to quickly find a specific car among all your toys. It would take time because you’d have to open every single smaller box to look for it. This is similar to what happens when computers try to find specific pieces of information (like a particular image or sound) in a “tensor” that’s structured like our toy boxes.

A tensor is like a very special kind of box that can hold numbers or other data, and sometimes these numbers are organized in a way that makes it hard for the computer to quickly find what it needs. So, what we do is we “flatten” the tensor, which means we take all those smaller boxes out and put everything directly into one big pile. Now, finding a specific number (or toy) is much faster because there’s no need to go through smaller boxes; everything is right there in front of us.

So, flattening a tensor is like taking all your toys out of the smaller boxes and putting them all together in one place so you can easily find whatever you’re looking for without having to dig around.

Another easy example:

Imagine you have a box of Legos. This box is special because it has compartments to organize the Legos by size and color. Maybe there’s a section for small red Legos, another for big blue ones, and so on.

In deep learning, data is like this box of Legos. Tensors are a way of organizing that data, kind of like the compartments. A tensor can have many sections, like height, width, and color for an image.

Flattening a tensor is like taking all the Legos out of their compartments and putting them in one big pile. You lose some organization, but it’s easier to use all the Legos together to build something new.

In deep learning, flattening is used to prepare data from convolutional layers, which look for patterns in different parts of the data (like the compartments), to be used by fully connected layers, which need all the information together to make a final decision (like building something with the Legos).

So, flattening makes the data simpler to work with for a different part of the deep learning model.



In deep learning, “flattening a tensor” refers to the process of reshaping a multi-dimensional tensor into a one-dimensional array. This operation is essential for feeding data from convolutional layers to fully connected layers in neural networks.

What is a Tensor?

A tensor is a multi-dimensional array that stores data used in deep learning models. It can represent various data structures such as scalars, vectors, matrices, and complex data types like images, frames, and audio.

Importance of Flatten and Squeeze

Flatten and squeeze operations are crucial for manipulating tensor structures. They allow data to be reshaped so that it can be fed into different layers of a model for effective learning patterns.

Flatten Operation

The flatten operation takes a multi-dimensional tensor and arranges all its elements into a single dimension. This is done by collapsing all dimensions except the batch dimension, resulting in a one-dimensional array. For example, a tensor of shape `(2, 3, 4)` would be flattened into a tensor of shape `(24,)`.

Code Implementation

Flattening can be achieved using the `view` method in PyTorch, which reshapes the tensor by specifying the desired dimensions. Alternatively, the `flatten` method can be used directly on the tensor object.

Role in Deep Learning

Flattening is commonly used in convolutional neural networks (CNNs) to transform multi-dimensional output from convolutional and pooling layers into a one-dimensional array, which can then be fed into fully connected layers for further processing[3]. This helps reduce the dimensionality of the data and improves computational efficiency.


Consider a CNN architecture processing images. After convolutional and pooling layers, the output might be a tensor with dimensions `(batch_size, height, width, channels)`. The flatten layer would reshape this tensor into a one-dimensional array of length `(height * width * channels)` before passing it to fully connected layers for classification.

In summary, flattening a tensor is a fundamental operation in deep learning that reshapes multi-dimensional data into a one-dimensional array, making it suitable for processing by fully connected layers.


In the context of deep learning, “flattening a tensor” refers to reshaping a multi-dimensional array (the tensor) into a one-dimensional array. This process is akin to unfolding a folded piece of paper: instead of having multiple layers or dimensions, you end up with a single layer where all elements are laid out sequentially.

Tensors are fundamental data structures in deep learning libraries like TensorFlow and PyTorch. They are used to store numerical data, such as images or weights of neural networks, which often come in multi-dimensional formats. For example, a color image typically has three dimensions: width, height, and color channels (red, green, blue), making it a 3D tensor. However, many algorithms and operations in deep learning work more efficiently on data that’s been flattened into a 1D tensor.

Why Flatten?

  1. Simplification: Flattening simplifies the structure of the data, making it easier to handle in certain computations.
  2. Efficiency: Some algorithms perform better on 1D data due to optimizations in the underlying software.
  3. Compatibility: Certain operations require input data to be in a 1D format. Flattening ensures compatibility.

How Does Flattening Work?

Consider a 2D tensor (matrix) representing an image:


[[1, 2, 3],

[4, 5, 6],

[7, 8, 9]]


After flattening, this becomes:


[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]


Each element retains its original position in the sequence, but the tensor loses its spatial dimensions (width and height).

Implementation Example

Here’s a simple Python code snippet using NumPy, a library commonly used for numerical computations in scientific computing and machine learning, including working with tensors:


import numpy as np

# Original 2D tensor (matrix)

image = np.array([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9]])

print(“Original 2D Tensor:”)


# Flatten the tensor

flat_image = image.flatten()

print(“\nFlattened 1D Tensor:”)



This code defines a 2D tensor `image` and then uses the `.flatten()` method to reshape it into a 1D tensor `flat_image`. The output will show the original matrix followed by its flattened version.

Flattening is a common preprocessing step before feeding data into models, especially in convolutional neural networks (CNNs) where the output of convolutional layers is often flattened before being passed to fully connected layers.

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A few books on deep learning that I am reading:

Book 1

Book 2

Book 3

Python’s Gurus🚀

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