PyTorch Tutorials now in Korean

Published in
2 min readJan 9, 2020

PyTorch has grown rapidly in the last two years thanks to its great community. People around the world are actively contributing and helping each other get started and advance ML development with PyTorch. South Korea has one of the largest and fastest-growing communities of PyTorch developers. As a result, the need for PyTorch content in Korean is increasing.

In an effort to help Korean-speaking developers, researchers, and students learn PyTorch, a group of passionate community members out of South Korea have been translating the tutorials on! You can check out the localized tutorials here:

We would like to extend our thanks to these four individuals who continue to spend their valuable time translating PyTorch tutorials to Korean:

In just the last year, over 35,000 people have visited the Korean-language Tutorials, and the number continues to grow. To contribute to the Korean translation efforts, visit the GitHub page.

If you are working on or know of PyTorch tutorials or documentation in any additional languages, please let us know!


The PyTorch Team




PyTorch is an open source machine learning platform that provides a seamless path from research prototyping to production deployment.