Audio Fusion: Mix Pzizz with other audio

Mix Pzizz with Spotify, Audible, Youtube and more!

Pzillow Talk
1 min readJun 29, 2018


Photo by Alice Moore

What is Audio Fusion

Audio Fusion allows you to play Pzizz simultaneously with other audio, like Youtube, Spotify, Audiobooks, white noise, and more!

How it Works

To use Audio Fusion go into the settings and turn the feature on, then start pzizzing. Background Pzizz and launch another audio app. It will work automatically.

Important Notes

  • Due to technical limitations outside of our control, you’ll need to start audio fusion before starting to pzizz.
  • Depending on the second app playing with Pzizz, the master system volume may effect each app differently.

Play Pzizz with Spotify

Play Pzizz with Audible (and other audiobooks)

Play Pzizz with Youtube

Download Pzizz for iOS or Android



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