Here’s the Scoop About Pzizz!

Everything you need to know about the who, what, when, and why of Pzizz, and how we’re bringing great sleep to the world

Rockwell Shah
Pzillow Talk
9 min readDec 1, 2016



Pzizz helps you quickly quiet your mind, fall asleep fast, stay asleep, and wake up refreshed.

It uses beautiful “dreamscapes” — a mix of music, voiceovers and sound effects designed using the latest clinical research — to help you sleep better at night or take power naps during the day.



Sleep at the push of a button!

How It Works

To understand how, you first have to understand why. Poor sleep has been declared a public health epidemic by the CDC. 70MM people in the US, 31% of Europe and 2 billion people globally suffer from insomnia.

The vast majority of cases of people suffering from poor sleep are caused by a disease called, “too much thinking;” people lie awake at night unable to shut off their brains.

So the key is if you can quiet the mind, you can induce sleep. That’s what Pzizz does.

Our patented system combines sleep optimized music, voiceover, and sound effects that change each night, that will quickly quiet your mind, put you to sleep, keep you asleep, and wake you up feeling refreshed.

All you have to do is listen to Pzizz. Headphones/earbuds are recommended for optimal effectiveness, but your built-in phone speaker will work too.

Does it actually work?

Yes. Author JK Rowling and NBA star Roy Hibbert are big fans, and we’ve received positive reviews from the NYT, WIRED, Engadget, Lifehacker and more.

Is there Science behind it?

Yes. We’ve had initial clinical validation and spend a great deal of time turning academic and clinical research into reality. Check out the science behind Pzizz on our blog for more information.

What Makes Us Different

Our sleep researchers work closely with our audio engineers to create beautiful dreamscapes that are backed by academic psycho-acoustics, and we pair these musical dreamscapes with voice narrations based on clinical sleep interventions, and then infuse them with personalization driven through our learning algorithms so you have a different audio sequence each night (which is important to keep Pzizz effective over time).

You can read more about the science behind Pzizz here.

The Focus Module

One of the biggest causes of “too much thinking” at night is work stress. To help combat this and the general epidemic of distraction, we created the Focus Module: music to help you get in the zone and be more productive. Learn more about it here.

Sleep Matters to Businesses Too!

Insomnia is costing the US workforce $63 billion per Year; in the UK £40 billion per year. Companies are starting to fight back. The 60 hour work week is dying. Smart businesses understand there’s great ROI on sleep, and are encouraging — and even sometimes paying — their staff to get good rest.



Pzizz has partnered with Metronaps to power the audio experience in their pods and bring great sleep to the workplace. You can find these pods at many locations worldwide, including corporates (Google, Mercedes, Zappos, etc) and Airports (JFK, London Luton).


The NHS Apps Library beta was launched in April 2017 to help patients make better choices about the digital health and care tools they use. Pzizz was one of the small library of apps to be included at launch.

EMIS Health Accredited Partner

Pzizz has been clinically reviewed and approved to be part of EMIS’s app library, so doctors can prescribe Pzizz directly through their EMIS system.

Parkinson’s UK

Parkinson’s UK choose Pzizz to be one of six apps to help with the day to day management of Parkinson’s.

Our Mobile Health

Pzizz has been reviewed and approved by Our Mobile Health.


Our app is also part of Merck’s internal corporate wellness program “Live It,” helping Merck employees beat their insomnia.


Previously we’ve partnered with Casper over the Sleep Symposium.


Pzizz has partnered with Jabra in their ‘Focus on Work’ initiative, breaking ground with new “Focus” tracks that help people be more productive at work.


Pzizz Partners with Health Benefits Provider League to Bring Great Sleep to the Workplace.

Lumino Health by Sun Life

We are excited to share that we’re now a part of Lumino Health, Canada’s largest health network. You can find Pzizz in the Lumino Health Discovery Lab — a marketplace that features innovative health-related apps, products and service.


Pzizz partnered with Cedars-Sinai to offer access to the Pzizz app to its 25,000+ employees through Cedars’ employee wellness program.

WW (formerly Weight Watchers)

WellnessWins members can now access Pzizz as a reward.


App Store Feature
Google Play Features for Sleep and Focus


  • “That night, I nestled under my covers, downloaded the full version of Pzizz and turned it on… I was out before 20 minutes had passed and haven’t looked back since.” — Jenna Wortham, New York Times
  • “Hibbert credits the app for helping cure his insomnia and diminish his postgame dependence on Ambien.” — Roy Hibbert, NBA Star, speaking to Sports Illustrated
  • “Pzizz helps you get to sleep faster and get more restful sleep with a combination of soothing sounds and voice cues aimed at helping you relax, destress, and get to sleep. In my experience, it works really well.” — Adam Pash, Lifehacker
  • “I’ve found that the power naps really work for me… When I hit the afternoon coma, a quick 20-minute nap does wonders and gives me the mental energy and focus to get me through the rest of my day.” — Andy J. Williams Affleck, Engadget


Pzizz has two issued patents to its name

Media Kit Goodies — Logos, Photos, and Screenshots


App Icon

Left: Android icon; Right: iOS icon

Content Samples

Pzizz at Pitch@Palace

Pzizz @ Milken Conference & BusinessRockstars

Image Assets

