Loving the Wakeup Feature

a pzizzer writes in about the value of a nice wakeup…

Pzillow Talk
1 min readAug 9, 2017


Email Text:

I really do love the app, I used to use it a fair bit on my android but I recently switched to iPhone world and the app is so much better on here, what’s more, the bonus premium subscription offered that was shown the other day is more than worth while! Price of a coffee for a month of decent sleeps.

For the first time this morning I tried the wake up feature; always trouble getting up in the morning whether I’ve had 2 or 10 hours sleep and yet this morning I was up like a dream bang on 6am! Mum is thankful for that, she no longer needs to bash on my door for half hour before I arise, ha!

Thanks again, going to do the review now. Keep the great updates coming!



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Pzillow Talk

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