Getting started on Q: How to use the Q Mainnet Faucet

Gerrit Brugge
Q Protocol
Published in
3 min readOct 20, 2023

Q Development is unveiling the Q Mainnet Faucet: A tool that lets you claim Q Tokens with just a few clicks. This allows you to quickly onboard onto Q and cover your gas fees for your first transactions or smart contract deployments.

With every new project launching on Q and with every additional smart contract being deployed, the Q ecosystem continues to expand. There is a lot to explore on Q, starting from participating in the Q governance; earning yield within the native Q defi system or borrowing the stablecoin QUSD; list or buy NFTs on one of the marketplaces; or launch DAOs through the Q DAO Factory and manage proposals in the DAO HQ.

With all these options at hand, why not get started right away? If you are working within a DAO, you want to onboard new members easily, quickly and in a “zero-cost” fashion. If you launch an NFT collection, you want to get your NFTs out and into as many hands as possible.

This is where the Q Mainnet Faucet comes into play! The faucet can be used to claim or distribute small amounts of Q Tokens with just a few clicks and helps you, your project, or your community to get started on Q without having to purchase tokens first.

So how does the Q Mainnet Faucet work?

Each address can claim 0.1 Q Tokens once every 24 hours on . The only condition is owning an active wallet on Ethereum mainnet (“active” means having an ETH balance that is larger than zero) and holding less than 1 Q on your address on Q mainnet.

To use the faucet, just follow these simple steps:

  1. Visit the Faucet: Start by heading to
  2. Input your Wallet Address: Paste an EVM-compatible wallet address in the provided field provided, or connect your Metamask wallet with just one click.
  3. Complete the Captcha: Click on “I am human“ and solve the Captcha to confirm your authenticity.
  4. Claim Your Q Tokens: Click on “Claim Q Tokens“ and the Q Tokens will be promptly sent to the wallet provided.

For a visual guide on using the faucet, check out the docs, or watch a demo here:

Some Additional remarks:

For those seeking a more substantial amount of Q Tokens, perhaps for deploying a dApp or onboarding a larger community, the faucet’s daily limit might not suffice. In such cases, don’t hesitate to reach out to our community on Discord to discuss your plans and ideas.

If you’re an aspiring mainnet validator looking to secure an initial stake and join the validator ranking, you can purchase Q Tokens directly from Q Development. Q Development is a company that is dedicated to supporting the Q ecosystem. To begin the process, apply here.

Please note that the information provided in this article reflects the technical implementation at the time of writing and may be subject to change.

In conclusion, the Q Mainnet Faucet is a powerful tool that simplifies your entry into the Q ecosystem. It’s perfect for those who want to dive into Q with minimal barriers, whether you’re part of a DAO, launching an NFT collection, or just curious about what Q has to offer. Give it a try, and start exploring the endless possibilities of Q today.

