Q Blockchain Validator ITN — Reward Claiming and Validator Setup

Florian Drewes
Q Protocol
Published in
5 min readMay 2, 2023

Finally the time has come to claim rewards of the initial wave of validator onboarding as part of the Q Blockchain Validator Incentivized Testet program.


Simply head over to https://itn.qdev.li/, connect your wallet, check your eligibility and claim the rewards.

It is important to connect the correct wallet! Use the one you registered as “Mainnet Reward Address” during the registration in December 2022.

The claiming dApp is powered by Gas-less claiming so you can claim with 0.0 Q token in your wallet. In case the gas-less service is overwhelmed, just wait a few minutes, potentially few hours and try again. A regular claim could be another way but requires some Q for gas fees.

There is no race condition! Every claim will have the same time-lock applied, which is 1st August 2023 00:00 am UTC.

Tokens and Purposes

The payout overview shows you three important pieces of information:

  1. One Q Token (1.0 Q) will be provided directly to the connected wallet.
    The purpose is to pay for transaction fees to setup the validator or to do delegations. You can freely use it on the Q Blockchain.
    The remaining amount will depend on your performance during the ITN program and ranges between 110 Q token to 1000 Q Token.
  2. Of the remaining amount, 50% will be time-locked as Validator Stake.
    The purpose is to be able to start a mainnet node. Make sure your node is up and running before you try to join the validator ranking.
  3. The other 50%will be time-locked into QVault.
    The purpose is to take part in Q Governance as a Q Token Holder. Use “Transfer” and “Withdraw” to move Q token between your wallet and the QVault.

You can also delegate QVault tokens to a validator of your choice, which can be your own validator or another validator from the community (see further explanation below).

Delegation to a Validator

Important details:

  • With potentially 2000 mainnet validators, the mainnet validator ranking will be reach capacity in terms of active and standby validators. The key to receive validation rewards is to become one of the first 22 validators (active) or the next 34 validators (standby). The way is to compete on the delegations and to increase your self stake over time. Ultimately, the goal is to increase the number of active validators participating in the Q Blockchain consensus. Any increase will be achieved using governance update proposals.
  • A Validator on the Q Blockchain can define the individual reward share for its Delegators. Per default 100% of the rewards will go to the Validator. To configure another delegator reward share, head over to “manage stake reward pool”. A typical market value is around 10%. A lower number can help to attract more delegations, a higher number can be used when pool is saturated (see below).
  • As part of the Q Blockchain consensus, a validator must have a self stake. At least 10% of the total accountable stake must be self stake. So per default, a validator will start with any self stake and 10% of maximum possible stake. Once delegations come in from Q Token holders, the share will increase until finally to 100%: the validator pool is now saturated. Any further delegations that would go above 100% will not increase the total accountable stake.
  • You can delegate the QVault tokens to your own validator. Go to the delegation tab and select “Stake my Tokens”.
  • Q Blockchain is a community project! If you do not want to delegate to our own validator pool, you can delegate to some of the community.
    For example the pools of our Community Captains, which are members that come organically form the community and helped a lot during the ITN program. The following community captains will operate a mainnet validator (read Note below):
  • Ruslan (Ruslan#3830),
    0x2fa0F88337565411D4B5F2c1DcF0Bf092b3157a4, link
  • Hercules (Hercules#4418),
    0x24327820664a9CEc76c482bff9f964864FfAed57 , link

Note: This is not an endorsement of the above community validators as any validator could cause downtime, risk their rewards or may not the best economical choice for delegations. Study the validator list on YourHQ dashboard and decide on your personal delegation strategy.

Use the APR calculation sheet to estimate validator return on stake.

Help — I was part of the Validator ITN but the claiming shows not eligible.

From the original 5000 valid signups, only 3500 nodes were operated and about 2200 are eligible for the rewards.

The following actions disqualified from the ITN program as stated in our first blog post:

  1. Not meeting the requirements: no staking in validator contract, no correct registration, not part of the Q Community Discord at the registration time, not enough uptime (less than 10% uptime), no correct reporting to the statistic tracker.
  2. Sybil attack: creating multiple accounts to earn multiple rewards.

In case you strongly feel that there was something wrong and neither 1 or 2 of the above apply in your case, we are here to support you. To avoid fraud, we will ask you to conduct a KYC process with us in the following way:

  1. Create a support ticket on the Q Community Discord:
    The discord user name must match the discord user name of the ITN registration data.
  2. Provide KYC information inside the ticket:
  • Name and current address
  • Email address (must match that of ITN registration data)
  • Scan of Passport / National Identity Card (with latin letters!)
  • Mainnet Reward Address (must match that of ITN registration data)

The ITN team will verify the documents for completeness and ask you for further steps if applicable.

We will have this process open until (including) May 31st 2023 23:59 CET. Successful applications will have the same time lock conditions applied as regular claims.



Florian Drewes
Q Protocol

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