10 Best Load Testing Tools For Web Applications In 2022

Jason Boog
Published in
3 min readNov 24, 2020
10 Best Load Testing Tools For Web Applications In 2022 Featured Image

Load testing is a kind of Performance Testing that determines a system’s performance under real-life load conditions. This testing helps determine how the application behaves when multiple users access it simultaneously.

Load testing usually identifies:

  • The maximum operating capacity of an application
  • Determine whether the current infrastructure is sufficient to run the application
  • Sustainability of application with respect to peak user load
  • Number of concurrent users that an application can support, and scalability to allow more users to access it.

Load testing is a type of non-functional testing. A load test is a type of software testing which is conducted to understand the behavior of the application under a specific expected load. Load testing is performed to determine a system’s behavior under both normal and at peak conditions.

These tools help performance/load test a site or application.

This article will help you quickly compare and evaluate the best load testing tools and other performance testing tools.

These network testing tools can help with your load testing processes.

The Best Load Testing Tool List

Best load testing tools for automated performance testing

  1. Apache JMeter
  2. Wapt
  3. WebLOAD
  4. Neotys Neoload
  5. BlazeMeter
  6. Load Impact
  7. LoadFocus
  8. Parasoft Load Test
  9. Akamai CloudTest
  10. TestPlant eggPlant Performance

Load Testing Tools FAQ

Still, have questions about website load testing and other app performance monitoring? Start here.

What is load testing?

Load testing is the process of putting stress on a system (number of concurrent users, for example) and measuring the response. This type of performance testing is done in order to spot bottlenecks in the system that might inhibit performance after launch or during high-use periods.

What’s load testing vs stress testing?

A load test sets a certain level of performance weight on a tool in order to gauge the response under these controlled circumstances. A stress test is designed to push the system until it breaks, in order to figure out the maximum the system can handle.

What are load testing tools, and what do they do?

Load testing tools are software that simulates “real world” load environments to place upon apps or websites in a controlled, safe environment. Load testing tools will monitor and report on the performance of the app or website in these simulated use environments in order to identify slowdowns or issues.

What are the best open-source load testing tools?

There are plenty of options for open source load testing software; for example, Apache JMeter, Taurus, The Grinder, and Gatling.

Not looking for load testing tools? Check out our other lists of top QA software:

  1. Need some help with QA automation? Be sure to check out 10 QA Automation Tools You Should Be Using In 2020.
  2. Want to optimize your defect tracking processes? Try these 10 Defect Tracking Tools To Keep Your QA On Track.
  3. Server monitoring dragging you down? Read up on the Top 10 Server Monitoring Tools & Software of 2020.

Load Testing Tools Comparison Criteria

What are we looking for when we select network stress test tools for review? Here’s a summary of my evaluation criteria:

  1. User Interface (UI): Is it clean and attractive?
  2. Usability: Is it easy to learn and master? Does the company offer good tech support, user support, tutorials, and training?
  3. Features & Functionality:
  4. Realistic user simulation — Does the tool accurately reflect real-life user and load actions?
  5. Scripting language — Does the tool work with different scripting languages?
  6. Device testing variety — Can the tool test both mobile- and web-based apps?
  7. Reporting and analytics — Are the reporting tools robust, customizable, flexible, and visually appealing? Can they be exported into different, popular file types for review?
  8. Integrations: Is it easy to connect with other tools? Any pre-built integrations?
  9. Value for $: How appropriate is the price for the features, capabilities, and use case? Is pricing clear, transparent, and flexible?

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Keep reading to see the full article of Best Load Testing Tools For Web Applications In 2020

Originally published at https://theqalead.com on October 20, 2020.



Jason Boog

I spent more than a decade building out the QA team and process as Director of Quality & Client Support at a full-service digital agency.