10 Latest Software Testing Tools QAs Are Using In 2022

Jason Boog
Published in
4 min readOct 30, 2020
10 Latest Software Testing Tools QAs Are Using In 2022 Featured Image

This article will help you quickly compare and evaluate popular software testing tools — the latest software testing tools that you can use to build better software in 2020.

The software goes through a variety of tests during and after development in order to make sure it’s as polished as it can be before opening it up to general users. With the evolution of agile transforming the role of QA, we’re finding different ways to use tools and leverage them in our software testing processes.

Each team is different, and one tool may be more appropriate for different types of testing or different types of software. That’s why a thorough evaluation of your software testing tools is important before you get started.

Do you need general QA software? Website testing tools? Are you working on a smartphone app and in need of mobile automation testing tools? There’s a software testing tool available out there for you — you just need to find the right one.

In this article, I will evaluate the pros and cons of each quality assurance tool on this list. I will also answer some FAQs about automation software testing to get you started.

Quickly Compare & Evaluate The 10 Best Software Testing Tools

These software testing tools can help you automate testing, perform a wide range of software tests, and increase product delivery speed for any automation software application.

Types of Software Testing Tools

There is different testing software for different areas of the software development lifecycle. Here are some of the main types of software testing tools that you might come across during application testing. Software testing solutions may specialize in one area of these testing types or that may cover multiple.

Functional Testing Tools

Functional testing can be further broken down into subcategories like unit testing, integration testing, interface testing, beta/acceptance testing, et cetera.

Software testing tools in this category will be responsible for identifying defects before market release, aiding clients in testing their newly delivered software, and/or testing for backward compatibility with older software and compatibility with different web browsers and operating systems.

Non-Functional Testing Tools

Non-functional testing can be further broken down into subcategories like performance testing tools, load testing, security testing, install testing, et cetera.

Software testing tools in this category may be responsible for testing the installation process across different hardware and OS, checking the software for any security issues or possible weak points, and/or testing the load capacity for given software to see if it can handle a given volume of users performing a given volume of actions.

Automation Testing Tools

Automated testing tools are designed to evaluate the expected outcome and compare it to the actual outcome. Automation testing relies on scripts or software that perform repetitive, mundane actions, and report the results. Automated software testing can be used to perform actions that are difficult to replicate manually.

Agile Testing Tools

Agile development is a methodology that designed a product in organized, incremental steps. Therefore, agile testing is a software testing solution that then tests in similar incremental steps, testing features as they are developed.

The Best Software Testing Tools List

Here’s a shortlist of the best software testing tools:

  1. Rainforest QA
  2. SauceLabs
  3. Katalon
  4. Telerik Test Studio
  5. TestArchitect
  6. QAProSoft
  7. Selenium
  8. MicroFocus
  9. Kobiton
  10. Eggplant

Software Testing Tool FAQ

Still have some questions about software testing systems? Start here.

What are software testing tools in the context of software engineering?

Software engineering is the process of leveraging computer science knowledge in order to plan, develop, program, and test software products like games, apps, and business software. Software testing tools are an important component of any software engineer’s job, as it helps them check for defects.

How many software testing tools are available?

There are hundreds, maybe even thousands, of software testing tools available on the market. That’s why I’ve made this list to narrow down some of the best software testing tools around. This article will focus on 10 of the best software testing tools out there, as well as a few brief honorable mentions if the top 10 aren’t what you need.

What are some of the most popular software testing tools?

Some of the most popular software testing tools, a few of which you have probably heard of, include Selenium, Katalon Studio, Silk Test, Squish, TestComplete, Ranorex, Appium, and EggPlant. A few of these are on my list if you are looking for further details.

Software Testing Tools Comparison Criteria

What are we looking for when we compare software for review? Here’s a summary of my evaluation criteria:

1.User Interface (UI): Is it clean and attractive? Does it look and work like the modern software? Is item placement intuitive, even for low-tech individuals?

2.Usability: Is it easy to learn and master? Does the company offer good tech support, user support, tutorials, and training? Is there an online community/forum around the product?

3.Features & Functionality:

  • Range of devices/browsers available for testing — Can the software test across different OSs, browsers, and mobile devices? Does it have integration testing tools?
  • Diverse programming language — Can you use a variety of the most popular programming languages with the testing tool?
  • Processing Power — Does the tool have decent processing power across different devices? Is optimal processing accessible?
  • Reporting — Is reporting output detailed, readable, and customizable?

4.Integrations: Is it easy to connect with other tools? Any pre-built integrations? Can you import objectives and goals designed in other software?

5.Value for $: How appropriate is the price for the features, capabilities, and use case? Is pricing clear, transparent, and flexible?

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Keep reading to see the full article of Best Latest Software Testing Tools QAs Are Using In 2020

Originally published at https://theqalead.com on April 24, 2020.



Jason Boog

I spent more than a decade building out the QA team and process as Director of Quality & Client Support at a full-service digital agency.