The 10 Best QA Automation Tools For Software Testing In 2022

Jason Boog
Published in
3 min readOct 8, 2020
The 10 Best QA Automation Tools For Software Testing In 2022 Featured Image

This article will help you quickly compare and evaluate the best QA automation tools for quality assurance testing.

QA automation testing is just what it sounds like…quality assurance for apps and software through mobile testing and web testing, but automated. What does this mean? There are QA automation tools available that can take over repetitive tasks in order to free up your team’s time to do more complex or more creative problem-solving. Make no mistake, there is no way to achieve 100% automated testing (we wish!) but automation tools can help take the mundane stuff off your plate during day-to-day operations.

The Automation Testing Life Cycle (ATLC) will generally guide you through the process of automated testing, starting with decision making and selecting appropriate tools and ending with a review and assessment of the whole process. As mentioned, the first step is always selecting the right tools. That’s where this article comes in.

In this post, I’ll explain what test automation can do for you and how it can help your efforts with quality assurance for software development. I’ll share with you a few of the best automation testing tools on the market and briefly highlight each item.

Compare & Evaluate The 10 Best Automation Testing QA tools

I’ve selected a handful of QA tools that specialize in automation. Take a look at what I’ve compiled here.

The Best QA Tool List

Here’s a shortlist of the best test automation tools:

  1. LambdaTest
  2. Selenium
  3. Squish
  4. TestingWhiz
  5. Watir
  6. Testim
  7. AppliTools
  8. Katalon Studio
  9. Telerik Studio
  10. Unified Functional Testing (UFT One)
  11. Sahi Pro

Automation Tool FAQ

Have some questions about QA automation? Browse through this section first.

What Is QA Automation?

Quality assurance (QA) is often done manually; however, there is software designed to take the load off of human participants and reduce manual testing. QA automation is done through software designed to explore, test, and report on its subject. Test automation will often apply artificial intelligence and machine learning (AI/ML) to better service tasks for test optimization, intelligent test generation, execution, and reporting.

What Are The Benefits Of Automated Testing?

Automated testing can help speed up the process of delivering quality software faster, known as “Quality at Speed” (QaS) or sometimes “Quality at Scale“. Automated testing is an important component of DevOps toolchains and agile methodologies, which helps deliver on QaS. Mobile automation testing tools can:

  • increase feedback speeds
  • accelerate results
  • lower business expenses (hourly wages)
  • increase test efficiency and scope
  • detect defects earlier on in the development process
  • generate more thorough test results

Automated testing is also often an important part of software development that uses a continuous integration methodology.

QA Test Tools Comparison Criteria

What are we looking for when we select a QA test tool for review? Here’s a summary of my evaluation criteria:

1.User Interface (UI): Is it clean and attractive?

2.Usability: Is it easy to learn and master? Is there good tech support, user support, tutorials, and training? What level of programming skills does the software require?

3.Features & Functionality:

  • Documentation: Every QA tool should have a clean, robust documentation process with easily searchable and exportable test results.
  • Script languages: Does the software work with a variety of popular scripting languages? Or, does it specialize in one script language and go above and beyond in that focus?
  • Version control: Can testing be done on different files at the same time? Is there a way to show the data history and revert local changes if needed?
  • Test Commands: Does the software support a large number of test commands? Can test commands be easily added or changed as needed?
  • Test Scenarios: Does the software support a variety of test scenarios, including performance testing?

4.Integrations: Is it easy to connect with other tools or plugins? Any pre-built integrations? Does it integrate with any bug tracking tools, such as JIRA? Does it support various operating systems and browsers, including Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Safari, Firefox, and others?

5.Value for $: How appropriate is the price for the features, capabilities, and use case? Is pricing clear, transparent, and flexible?

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Originally published at on July 27, 2020.



Jason Boog

I spent more than a decade building out the QA team and process as Director of Quality & Client Support at a full-service digital agency.