Qamber Kids was on TV!

Hello friends! Yes, you’ve read the title right. Qamber Kids was lucky enough to participate in a TV interview courtesy of Bahrain International TV. Our Qamber sisters, Naj and Nada are here to tell you more about the experience.

Reem Alomari
Qamber Designs and Media
Sep 27, 2021


Naj: It was definitely a nerve-wrecking experience! I must have been nervous for 2 weeks before we finally got to the studio. Lara (the host) was amazing fun and it ended up being a fun conversation.

Nada: It was a super fun experience! I’m grateful that we got the opportunity to visit a TV studio for the first time. Lara was so great. She eased us into a fun and comforting conversion that the nerves sort of melted away. I forgot the camera was on for a second.

Watch the full interview here and let us know what you thought!

