Writing Inspirational Kidlit with Chelsey Nicole

Reem Alomari
Qamber Designs and Media
2 min readJul 29, 2021

My inspiration for When Wilson Found His Words stems from emotions. We all go through emotional events in our lives. Some events are shared with others and some are not. Unfortunately, we don’t always know how to find the right words to explain the feelings we are experiencing. It’s hard to say exactly how we feel.

I have seen so many kids and adults hold in their anger and their pain from traumatic events that happen in their lives. They suffer in silence and don’t know that talking, or writing out what they are feeling or thinking, can allow them to release that anger and pain they bury deep inside. I created this book in hopes to help others see that it’s okay to have feelings.

Someone very close to me told me late in life, “It’s okay to feel your feelings.” I had never had anyone tell me that before and realized others need to hear this too. This book shows how keeping emotions bottled up will only cause destruction to yourself and to others.

When Wilson Found His Words is a story about a little bear who has so much sadness and confusion in his heart that he projects anger on those around him. Only when he finally talks about what is going on in his heart and in his mind does he find peace within himself. He is then able to be happy and once again have fun with his friends.

