QANplatform X ProFood partnership

We are pleased to announce, that ProFood, one of Europe’s largest food products manufacturers is testing QAN blockchain platform.

Published in
4 min readApr 7, 2021


ProFood, researches, manufactures and distributes 25+ countries in Europe focusing on meat, dairy and catering industry with a large product range including spices, spice blends, additives, phosphates, flavours, proteins and protein blends, liquid smokes, marinades and curing materials as well as artificial casings. ProFood is starting to build its first blockchain Proof-of-Concept (PoC) on QANplatform, the quantum-resistant blockchain platform.

“Traceability and food safety is a must in our industry. From the first to the last phase our company manufactures its products in an integrated system, guaranteeing the perfect flow of information. Our development, manufacturing, logistics and sales processes are recorded from the arrival of the raw materials up to the final delivery of the finished product in a fully integrated ERP system. So only the blockchain part is new to us.” — said Adam Meszaros, Head of R&D at ProFood

“Our R&D team is producing more than 200 (two hundred) new products each year in our laboratory. We not only testing and innovating with our test tubes and pipette ProFood also focusing on IT development. This two are the best mixture.” — said Meszaros.

ProFood is building its first blockchain Proof-of-Concept to secure its yearly 200+ new recipes on the Quantum-resistant QAN blockchain platform.

“We brainstormed in our team about how blockchain technology could help us with a real-life use-case. We found the first one, we will go first to secure our intellectual property. According to industry, regulatory and religious standards our new products need to be verified by a lot of outsiders of the company where we need to show the exact ingredients and chemical formulas.” — said Adam Meszaros, Head of R&D at ProFood

ProFood adds each verification process document including the recipes to their cloud server where an API uploads each file hashes (digital fingerprints of a file) automatically to ProFood’s own QANplatform private blockchain. The data from the private blockchain will be anchored to a public blockchain, later to the QANplatform mainnet.

Johann Polecsak, CTO of QANplatform commented — “We reached two new milestones with our product thanks to ProFood. First, we officially announced the first use-case for QANplatform. Second, QANplatform entered the enterprise blockchain market. And this is just the beginning!”

Examples how the food industry is using blockchain:

Various food industry giants like KraftHeinz, Nestle, Carrefour, Walmart, AbInBev have already built blockchain Proof-of-Concepts (PoC) mostly for one of the following food industry use-cases:

  • Improving Food Traceability
  • Food Industry Supplier Selection
  • Preventing Price Coercion
  • Proving Label Claims
  • Eliminating Counterfeit Products
  • Ensuring Food Safety
  • Meeting Operational Demands
  • Improving Inventory Management
  • Providing Food Supply Chain Provenance
  • Reducing Food Waste

ProFood is entering now the food industry and blockchain space with QAN blockchain platform.

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About ProFood:
ProFood, researches, manufactures and distributes 25+ countries in Europe focusing on meat, dairy and catering industry with a large product range from spices to artificial casings.

About QANplatform | QAN blockchain platform:
QANplatform is the Quantum-resistant hybrid blockchain platform. Build your software applications like DApps or Defi and run business processes on blockchain. Deploy QANplatform to Amazon AWS or Linode Cloud Provider in 5 minutes.


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#quantumcomputing #cybersecurity




QANplatform is the Quantum-resistant Layer 1 hybrid blockchain platform.