QARA Moves Forward With a New Product Launch

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4 min readMay 7, 2019

All startups begin with an idea. An idea that can revolutionize an entire industry. Or an idea that can potentially save lives and even the world. An idea so great that you feel the jitters even thinking about it. But ideas, no matter how great, can only bring you so far. In order to have that spark that separates your startup from others, you need a unified vision that sticks with you through thick and thin.

Half of 2019 has already gone by and QARA has never been so busy. With the impending regulatory sandbox initiative in June and several investor meetings and trade shows coming around the corner, QARA released a new product called as beta-service on April 30th. That’s only one month after releasing the official version of QARA’s financial and analytics application, KOSHO. Launching two new products in the same year, especially within that time frame, is a milestone in and of itself. But what’s more important is that every person who works with QARA shares the vision to help people make better investment decisions.

At the end of the day, that’s how we can make progress.

In late April, QARA held a demo day at WeWork Seolleung II office to introduce beta-service. Several important guests showed, including journalists and people from the press.

Here’s a quick overview of beta-service and its benefits:

What is It?

Much like Google or Yahoo, is a powerful search engine tool that targets general investors who need a more specialized knowledge base for investment and financial information. Customers can type any keywords in the search box and once they hit enter, the tool will display related stocks with detailed information on company data, news, and forecasting performances in increments of 1 week, 1 month, and 3 months. Customers can compare numerous stocks related to a specific keyword in just one quick glance.

People who utilize this service can get quality analytics and investment data with dramatically reduced time and cost.

Core Features?

1. What is Analysis

“Which stocks are available for domestic and global markets?”

“What are the related themes we can search with a keyword?”

Keyword searches allow you to find theme-related shares from 20,000+ global stocks and nearly 3 million news. The current list includes stock exchanges from South Korea, Japan, Singapore, U.S. and U.K., and the languages supported are Korean, English, and Japanese.

2. What if Analysis

“What if another financial crisis occurs? We need our investments to catch up with the ever-changing market movements!”

Once you search for a particular keyword, our data will display major dates in history (daily, monthly) related to that keyword as well as a list of stocks and their performances during those periods. For example, if you want to do events analysis of stocks related to the Financial Crisis, Fine Dust, or the North Korean nuclear issue, our data will present a list of stocks and important dates, and compare how each stock performed.

3. What else Analysis

“What is the current status of shares, its industry, and the competition I’ve chosen?”

With regards to popular stocks in emerging industries, AI technology can provide a more objective and diverse analyses and find relevant stocks by groups. Through theme search, you can view live reports of major stocks by each industry in one quick glance. Some of the results include market capitalization, available listed shares, PER, PBR, dividend yield, and many more.

Main Tech Used?

The core technology that’s behind the search engine tool for utilizes Word2Vec and FastText, both very successful AI deep learning algorithms that have developed in recent years. Founded by Google AI Researcher Tomas Mikolov, Word2Vec has also been applied to platforms like Google Translator and Facebook. This main tech automatically analyzes news and ranks different keywords based on their relevance. Thus, this process makes search speed 10 times faster than the conventional keyword matching methods.

When you search for ​recent financial market movements​, our algorithm will detect a date that has the ​most similar market trends with those in the past​. Just as a person looks for “dog” and “cat” by searching for patterns with similar images, our deep learning technology will do the same with present and past financial data. In other words, the engine will independently analyze​ the past 30 years of financial data and ​find significant insightful patterns​.

What Now?

While is geared towards the financial experts, beginners who want to invest more seriously or who aspire to become professional investors, can also utilize this service as well. By simply typing a keyword in the search engine tool, they can have access to thousands of qualified information in a convenient way.

By integrating both IT and finance, QARA hits at the heart of innovation in the fintech industry. While is still a beta-service, QARA hopes that it’ll help financial experts across the world increase their overall productivity and consider us their essential partners.

You can check out the web service here.

Check out a brief demo video for!



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On a mission to democratize financial services with our deep learning technology.