Qase in 2021

Nikita Fedorov
Published in
3 min readDec 31, 2021

New Year’s Eve is an excellent time to reflect on the previous year and our progress over the last 12 months. We will share what has happened to the company and tell you about the most remarkable events in this post.


The team is the most crucial thing in every company. If you build a tool that should disrupt the well-established market, you can’t rely on yourself. That’s always teamwork.

At the beginning of 2021, Qase was leaving a pet project phase and was looking for a product-market fit. There were six of us, and only two persons worked full time. Now we have 20 full-time professionals working on Qase. Almost all of them are involved in product development and divided into three cross-functional teams responsible for a particular part of the product.

We are happy to see how things have changed, and in 2022 we won’t stop. There are still too many things left to do, and backlog growth is still accelerating.


Qase team has made significant progress and released more than 500 improvements and features to production. Some of them were small, but also there were notable updates like Dashboards, a new test run wizard, a new markdown editor, Qase Query Language, and lots of other stuff.

We had fixed more than 500 bugs (most of them were resolved before they were released). But shit happens, and some of them leaked to production. I want to thank all our customers and community for the feedback they’ve provided so we can solve them pretty fast.

We are actively dogfooding our platform and building and releasing at least one feature from our dogfood backlog.

We believe that at the moment, Qase is the best test management solution for manual and automated software testing on the market, and we have a lot of ideas on how to make it even better.

Qase has one big weak point — we have a great product, but we don’t tell people about it. Outdated website, a few changelog updates, and how-to articles. In 2022 we will fill this gap and dramatically improve our marketing communications.


At that part, we have achieved outstanding results. We have grown almost five times YoY in revenue, and the number of paying customers has increased by 300%. That’s quite impressive, and we want to exceed this year’s results.

Another significant event in the company’s life was a seed round where we have raised $500k. This money helped us to accelerate our growth and increase team size.

We want to thank our investors: S16VC, FinSight Ventures, and ExpoCapital.


In the end, we want to share a few interesting facts about Qase:

  • Our customers have submitted more than 8 million test results in 178k test runs.
  • Our customers have created 3 million new test cases.
  • Our customers have raised more than 368k defects.
  • We have made more than 500 releases to production.
  • Qase users added more than 150 new feature requests.

