QBox version 2.5 release notes

This latest release is packed with new and improved features.

  • Amazon Lex alpha release
  • Facebook WIT and Google Dialogflow test speed improvement
  • Better insight of our simple view
  • Pricing change plus PayPal support
  • Time estimation and notification
  • Monitoring time saved and IBM Watson dev-ops
  • Help page, tip of the day
  • Payment in Euro and US Dollars

Welcome to Amazon LEX

After a successful beta test, we are pleased to confirm that Amazon Lex is now fully supported. Anyone with a Lex model can now analyse its performance and improve their customer experience using QBox.

Time is money

We know the faster you get your trained data test results, the faster you can modify your NLP Data Model and improve accuracy. We are continually improving test speeds across four of the NLP vendors.

  • Amazon Lex and Dialogflow are now 2x faster to run.
  • Wit.ai is now 3x times to run.
  • Rasa.NLU is now 5x faster to run.

Redesign for better understanding

The intent details page now shows a straightforward visualisation of individual test results that are causing your intent to underperform. The visualisation shows where your intent was in the NLP confidence ranking, and where QBox thinks it should be. As before, you can drill down to find out more

Pricing change, plus PayPal support

After may requests from customers we now support PayPal. We also clarified each tier, and the functionalities you can have access to. Finally we added the possibility to payment in Euro and US Dollars for our clients.

See the table. For more information, visit https://qbox.ai/Home/Pricing

Monitoring time saved and IBM Watson dev-ops

The monitoring page now tells you explicitly how much time QBox has saved by automatically reviewing your chatbot’s user interactions.

When reviewing and improving your training data for IBM Watson Assistant, your only option was to modify your live model or to create a clone of your model manually. QBox now manages it all. Now you simply review your live model, identify user interactions and where and when to improve your model, QBox clones the model, enabling you to modify it until it reaches the performance levels you expect. Once ready, QBox places your cloned model live automatically in your production chatbot, resulting in zero downtime.



Benoit Alvarez
QBox - Supercharge your chatbot’s intelligence

Just launched QBox.ai, to analyse and visualise the performance of NLP data model. CTO of Volume. MD of CogCom