Qdrant 0.11.4 and 0.11.5 with new features!

Kacper Łukawski
Qdrant Vector Database Blog
2 min readDec 8, 2022

Qdrant has released two consecutive versions — 0.11.4 and 0.11.5 — in the recent two weeks. They have brought some exciting new features to the platform.

What’s new in 0.11.4

In version 0.11.4, we added mmap support for HNSW graph storage. This means that users no longer need to keep the HNSW index in RAM, making it particularly useful for collections with many small vectors. Additionally, the gRPC protocol was updated to enable compression, which is useful for transferring large payloads over slow networks. There have been also some other improvements and bug fixes which you can check in the changelog.

Novelties brought in 0.11.5

Version 0.11.5 introduced a new API for payload manipulation, allowing users to overwrite all existing payload fields in a single step. This is a significant improvement over the previous set_payload method, which could only replace mentioned fields. Another useful addition to this release is the ability to set and delete payload fields by a filter. This allows users to specify a subset of points to update using filtering conditions, which can be useful if you are using a secondary key in the payload.

As usual, a new minor version brings some improvements and bug fixes as well, with all the details described in the changelog.


Overall, these two consecutive releases have brought some valuable new features to the Qdrant vector database. What do you expect to be included in the next release of Qdrant? Join our Discord community and let us know!

