Something New For Our Community

Qeepsake Blog
Published in
3 min readJan 12, 2018

Welcome to the all new Qeepsake blog. As you might already know, Qeepsake is the simplest way to record and cherish the memories made by your children and you.

Throughout our journey with Qeepsake, we’ve encountered tens of thousands of dedicated, unique parents. The wide-ranging stories we’ve heard are fascinating. Parents of all types find struggles, joys, blunders, and triumphs, but no two stories are ever told the same. And we love that.

Parenting is not an act to be done or accomplished. It is an art! One that can never be mastered, yet we’re always working at which to become better. We paint with different brushes and colors every day (heck, every hour), and no two paintings, or children, are alike. Qeepsake is proud of the parenting diversity we see in our community.

With our blog, we want to create a space where parents can connect via their unique experiences. We want to tell and share honest adventures in raising children, and wish to celebrate the varied ways in which we feel accomplishment. By being able to learn of a genuine, candid moment through the lens of another parent, we might glean new or fresh insights into our own techniques. These are times that we, as guardians and keepers of our children’s well being, should be cherishing and reflecting on as well. We learn just as much from our children as they learn from us. Raising a child is to be in a constant state of reflection, wondering if what we are doing is “right” or “in the best interest.” For these, and many other reasons, we have the Qeepsake Blog.

Most of all, Qeepsake hopes to grow the community of our users. Admittedly, the Qeepsake experience currently can be a solitary one. Your answers and photos are private and only available to you. But the truth is, Qeepsake thrives on the network of parents we’ve come across. It is you, the parents, that brings meaning to what we do here. We hope to expand on the experience by offering a place where parents or anyone helping to raise a child, can come and learn from others, while also sharing a lesson or two that they’ve picked up along the way.

We believe that there is no one-size-fits-all method to parenting. It is a continuous exercise in flexibility, compassion, discipline, and guidance, with a hefty dash or two of nimble-footed improv. We welcome parents of all types, be it biological, step, adoptive, foster, grand, or however else you choose to define your role. To be a guide or guardian to any child is the noblest deed, and we celebrate you.

In the upcoming weeks, we will be sharing stories and thoughts from members of the Qeepsake team, as well as other parents. We welcome you to find encouragement, solace, strength, or at least a good hearty laugh. Thank you for coming along for the ride.

Best Regards,

The Qeepsake Team

