qEngage :: Technology :: Smart Contract Architecture
We explain how our smart contracts are structured, with a handy flow diagram in this post following our earlier post about why we use blockchain and why it’s important. If you haven’t check out the previous post here.
Framework Front End
This layer of the architecture is pretty self explanatory, with our code mostly dealing with front tasks for both the user and admin, outlined in detail in our framework spec here.
Engagement and Growth Engines
There are two sets of modules when dealing with smart contracts relevant to qEngage. As discussed previously, they are the Engagement Engine and the Growth Engine. We now discuss Smart Contracts for these Engines.
Engagement Engine
There are two components to the Smart Contracts that form this Engine. The first of these components is the System Layer. This layer handles all tasks related to mechanics of distribution of tokens. This will involve aspects such as bounty allocation, bounty to token exchange rates, billing cycle period, and token allocation per user per day implemented in the form of decentralised and trust less smart contracts.
The second component is the Redemption Layer, that deals with redemption of tokens. The Smart Contracts in the layer will makes sure that the users are able to exchange their tokens to fiat or other rewards, as specified before hand by the admin, and encoded in the System Layer.
Together, these two components will ensure that users can trust the system for redemption of tokens at the end of each periodic cycle, as well the fact that redemption happens at a pre-specified rate (decided by the bounty set before the start of the billing cycle by the admin). They don’t have to trust the business or admin or any other authority to ensure this.
Growth Engine
The Growth Engine smart contracts will deal with referral based reward management. They will maintain and compute referral based scoring of referees. We have envisioned these to have an algorithmic component and a non algorithmic component. We will try to execute non-compute intensive tasks on the blockchain. The smart contracts that form this engine will be represented via a Referral Layer.
The Referral Layer will ensure that users can trust the system for being rewarded for the efforts they put in towards referring quality referrals. We may add other layers in the future, but for now this is the core Smart Contract layer for the growth engine.
Having a trust less and decentralised mechanism to ensure user rewards and platform genuineness is what sets our smart contract architecture a class apart. It is what makes this solution so incredibly beautiful.
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