qEngage :: Development :: Update #0
Hi and Welcome to qEngage. We’re building a growth bot framework to make communities more engaging. Our goal is to build a bot framework that leverages gamification and psychology to make sure that communities produce valuable content, and are spam free. We enable this by allowing groups that integrate our framework set a bounty reward that encourages quality content posting and interactions, thus incentivizing spam free groups and real user engagement.
We believe that our framework will be a revolutionary product in terms of how brands and groups market via social channels such as Telegram, Whatsapp, Line, amongst others.
For the purposes of our Alpha, we’ve decided to build our framework atop the Qtum Blockchain, empowering our token economy using their Platform as a part of the Qtum Hackathon. We’re truly excited to start this journey. A future post will include detailed features of our platform and growth bot framework. Stay tuned! Until next time.
Stay Updated
Twitter:- https://twitter.com/qEng_GrowthBot
Email:- tejnikumbh.competitions@gmail.com