Best Time to Recite Qur’an

Hiba Owais
Published in
3 min readJun 4, 2019

Fatima: “Hey Amna (Fatima’s roommate), if you don’t mind can I switch on the light of our room for a while at Fajar. Actually, I don’t have a table lamp as I haven’t unpacked my luggage yet. Will do it by tomorrow Insha’Allah.”

Amna: “Yes, you can. But what do you want to do at Fajar.”

Fatima: “I recite Qur’an after Fajar prayers.”

Amna: “Why at Fajar? Don’t you feel sleepy and lazy at Fajar? I go back to sleep as I soon as I finish my Prayers.”

Fatima: “Because Fajar is the best time to recite Qur’an.”

Amna: “How? I never heard of this, can you explain it to me a little more.”

Fatima: “Why not. Let me share with you a beautiful verse from Surah Al-Isar. Allah (S.W.T) says,

“Establish prayer at the decline of the sun [from its meridian] until the darkness of the night and [also] the Qur’an of dawn.”

It means the time when the sun starts to set and rise, i.e. the time of Fajar and Maghrib. Allah commands us to make sure that we offer the Maghrib Salah at its time. He also asked us to offer prayers after the sun completely sets, when the darkness covers everything i.e. the Salah of Isha. But he didn’t say Salah of Fajar, like he said establish the Salah of Maghrib and Isha. Why didn’t he use the word Salah for Fajar? Rather He called it Qur’an of Fajar (Dawn). Because Allah (S.W.T) want us to recite some extra Qur’an at Fajar. If after the Fajar Salah, you will make some time to recite Qur’an then you will see spiritual benefits and the worldly benefit of reciting it instantly in your life.”

Amna: “But why reciting the Qur’an at Fajar is more beloved to Allah (S.W.T) than any other time?”

Fatima: “In the same verse, Allah (S.W.T) says,

“Indeed, the recitation of dawn is ever witnessed.”

Now you must be thinking who witness us at the time of Fajar as majority of people are sleeping at that time. And as far as Allah (S.W.T) is concerned, he can witness us at any time of the day. Then who is being referred to by Allah (S.W.T) in this verse?

Amna: “You are absolutely right Fatima, I was exactly thinking the same.”

Fatima: “The answer to this lies in this hadith of our beloved Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H). He said,

“The angels of the night and the angles of the day come amongst you in successive groups (in shifts). They meet at the morning prayer (Fajar) and at the mid-afternoon prayers (‘Asr). Those who stayed among you at ascend and their Lord asks them, although He knows best about you, “How did you leave my servants” They say, “We come to them and they were praying and we left them when they were praying.”

Amna just imagine yourself being witnessed by angels while reciting Qur’an at Fajar. And the angels tell Allah (S.W.T) that when we left Amna or when we go to her, she was reciting your book, Qur’an. Allah (S.W.T) would feel immense pleasure and proud of you.

Amna: “Thank you so much Fatima, May Allah (S.W.T) rewards you for this. Ameen.”

Next day when Fatima woke up for Fajar, she witnessed Amna reciting Qur’an. A tear of joy rolled from her eyes and all she could utter was, Masha ‘Allah.

