Hiba Owais
Published in
4 min readMay 25, 2019


Miracles of Quran — Part 1

Hiba Owais

“Papa, do you know today we saw a magic show in our school”, said young Ahmed. “It was really astonishing. Papa, is magic for real? My friend Ali told me there is nothing like magic in the world. Is it true Papa?”

“Well, then I must say your friend is not absolutely correct about magic. Magic is real but only Allah (S.W.T) has the power to perform it”, said Ahmed’s father.

“Really Papa, please tell me the magic tricks of Allah (S.W.T)”, said Ahmed.

The magic tricks that Allah (S.W.T) perform are called ‘Miracles’. And Allah (S.W.T) chose different Prophets over the period of time to reveal those miracles to his people. Let me share with you some of the miracles of Prophets mentioned in the Quran.

First such story that I am going to share with you is Miracle of Musa (A.S). When Musa (A.S) when to Pharaoh to deliver the message of Allah (S.W.T). He denied it. To make Pharaoh believe that he indeed is the Prophet of Allah (S.W.T), Musa (A.S) throw his stick on the floor. And Ahmed that stick with the will of Allah (S.W.T) turn into a Boa (a large kind of snake). Upon seeing this, Pharaoh said to Musa (A.S) you are nobody but a magician who is trying to misguide my people. To prove Musa (A.S) wrong, Pharaoh arranged a grand magic competition and invited the biggest name in the world of magicians to compete Musa (A.S).

“Papa, was Musa (A.S) really a magician? “, said Ahmed.

“No, my son as I have told you whatever Prophets do they don’t do it by themselves. Rather it is Allah (S.W.T) who is the authority of these miracles”, said Ahmed’s father.

So, on the day of the challenge, hundreds of people gathered. Renowned magicians from all over the Egypt were there to show their tricks. As the competition started, Musa (A.S) asked the magician to throw whatever they have. They threw their ropes on the floor which, with the illusion started to appear as small snakes. Then they asked Musa (A.S) to play his turn. Musa (A.S) threw his stick on the floor and it again turned into a Boa. And that Boa started to swallow their snakes. And within no time it swallowed all the snakes which were actually nothing but ropes. Upon seeing this, the magician fell into sujood and accepted Allah (S.W.T) as their Creator and Musa (A.S) as his Prophet.

“Do you know Ahmed why did they do this? “, asked Ahmed’s father.

“No Papa”, replied Ahmed.

Because they knew what Musa (A.S) did was not a magic trick. The magician can only deceive people with their trick. And whatever they had witnessed was surely from some superior power as no human has the power to perform any such thing.

“Papa, could Musa (A.S) do anything else with his stick? “, asked Ahmed.

“Yes, it was indeed a miraculous stick which has other powers as well”, replied Ahmed’s father.

After this incident, Pharaoh became very fierce and he decided that he would kill Musa (A.S) and his followers. When Musa (A.S) heard this news. He immediately decided to flee in the darkness of night with his followers. Pharaoh upon knowing this followed them with his army. When Musa (A.S) and his followers reached the seafront. Allah (S.W.T) asked Musa (A.S) to hit the water with his stick and the sea water divided into two parts. Paving the way for Musa (A.S) to cross the sea. Pharaoh with his companions followed them through the path into the sea. When Musa (A.S) and his followers crossed the sea, Allah (S.W.T) commanded the water of the sea to join again. When the water of the sea joined again, Pharaoh and his companions were in the middle of the sea. Upon seeing the water moving towards him, Pharaoh accepted Allah (S.W.T) as his Creator but my son it was really late to accept Oneness of Allah. Allah did not accept his and Pharaoh along with his companions sank in the sea while Musa (A.S) and his followers were saved by Him.

“Wow, Papa do you know any other miracles of Quran. I wanted to know more”, said Ahmed.

“Yes, I know but you have to wait for tomorrow to know more”, replied Ahmed’s father.

