Surah Rehman — A Surah to ponder upon

Hiba Owais
Published in
4 min readJun 11, 2019

“How many of you have read Surah Rehman along with its translation?” This question took me out of my envisagement and I saw some people raising their hands. Unfortunately, I was among the majority of the people who have never been honored to understand one of the beautiful Surah of the Quran. Since it was the month of Ramadan, a seminar on the teachings of the Quran was organized by our university and I was among the hundreds of attendants.

“Surah Rehman is among the last chapters of Quran.” I heard the speaker continuing with the topic.

“But when it comes to the nature of guidance, no Surah in the Quran can match it. The way Surah Rehman made us realize the hidden favors of Allah (S.W.T) is remarkable. By favor, I don’t mean health, wealth, house, children or luxuries of life.”

He was continuing with the topic as I notice hints of excitement and interest in the audience. I could feel people listening to the speaker with pin drop silence in the hall.

“Sometimes we tend to overlook some of the greatest favors of Allah (S.W.T). Surah Rehman helps us rather make us ponder on such favors of our Creator.

Allah (S.W.T) says in Surah Rehman verse no. 27

And there will remain the Face of your Lord, Owner of Majesty and Honor.

This verse seems to be simple but it’s really deep in its meaning. In this verse, Allah (S.W.T) is making us realize that He is only one who is Immortal and hence He is the only Lord. No Mortal beings can be raised to the status of Lord. This proof of Oneness of Allah (S.W.T) is indeed his favor which saves us from the fire of Hell.

“So which of the favors of your Lord would you deny?”

Similarly, Allah (S.W.T) says in verse no. 31

“We will attend to you, O prominent beings.”

Just see how Allah (S.W.T) is dragging our attention to the Day of Judgement. He says that soon he will turn to us (man and jinn). Accountability of deeds is indeed a favor of Allah (S.W.T) which behold cruel from his cruelty. The realization that we will be questioned someday on our deeds saves us from many sins.

“So which of the favors of your Lord would you deny?””

Why did I never thought of understanding and pondering over the Quran this way? Am I missing something really important in my life? Where we all are heading to? I was busy evaluating myself when I again heard the voice of the speaker. He continued with the session.

“Further in verse no. 41 Allah (S.W.T) says

“The criminals will be known by, their marks, and they will be seized by the forelocks and the feet.”

By giving an indication towards hell, Allah (S.W.T) is inviting us to his Oneness so that we may refrain from any sort of Shirk and enter the heavens of the sky.

“So which of the favors of your Lord would you deny?”

And then he gives the glad tidings of Heavens in verse no. 46. He says,

“But for he who has feared the position of his Lord are two gardens.”

Promising the righteous people the highest reward in akhira motivates them to be a better Muslim. This glad tiding is indeed a favor of Allah (S.W.T).

“So which of the favors of your Lord would you deny?””

He finished his lecture with this final verse. I cannot express the amount of pleasure I experienced at that moment. I felt if I was being directly guided by Allah (S.W.T). I took this opportunity as I favor from Him that changed my life’s perspective forever.

