Digital Transformation Myths

Faith Morara
Published in
3 min readApr 14, 2021

The impact of digital transformation is huge, which can make it seem like an insurmountable challenge. Instead of refusing to face the reality of digital transformation, knowing these myths will help you face it with more success.

If you’re already successful, you’re more likely to successfully digitally transform processes

If things seem to be going well, then you’re unlikely to transform anything meaningful. Most organizations are resistant to digital change when they’ve grown comfortable or it challenges “the way it’s always been done.” Established companies are established because they reach consistent levels of revenue generation, driven by well-understood, consistent processes that rarely change. They are less likely to change as long as the revenue keeps coming in.

Digital transformation means updating your website and building an app While adding new digital customer or employee experiences can drive improvements, transformation must go deeper. Digital transformation is more than just adding an app to your business model. It requires fundamentally reshaping the way you operate, which requires reevaluating people, processes, and technology. To successfully launch a digital transformation strategy, you must have a vision for where and why you want to change. By building a vision for transformation, it’s easier to shift ingrained organizational behaviors to reshape culture and set tangible targets for digital transformation initiatives. Culture is the often-forgotten element that drives digital transformation success. Agility, adaptability to change and the ability to question long-held beliefs are key factors in a digital culture.

Your executive team will be the fundamental group to drive successful transformation Change can originate from anywhere in an organization, and lasting innovation can emerge from grassroots efforts.

Disruption is taking place at the grassroots level and, as success is achieved and word spreads, it is moving upward. But, successful organizational change requires support from leadership, regardless of who is leading the charge.

Digital transformation isn’t important to customers

Customers now expect personalized, high-touch service from every organization they interact with, regardless of size or sector. They want to be able to interact with your organization from whatever channel they choose (at any physical site, website, app, social, or phone) and to have a consistent experience (omnichannel). Digital is the only realistic way to give customers the experience they’re demanding. Automation, integration, and collaboration technologies will help you change long-standing organizational structures and shape how you interact and engage your customers.

Digital transformation can wait

The rate of technological change is increasing exponentially (especially since Covid19 started) so starting any transformation will be more difficult the longer you wait. Digital transformation isn’t just for startups or consumer companies. It’s important for all companies: industrial and B2B companies, and even government agencies.

To drive digital transformation, leadership and vision are key. Instead of mandating, you must facilitate, empower and challenge your team, driving a shared vision to create something big. Digital transformation introduces new ways of interacting with team members and customers and often requires changes in organizational structure and culture. It’s more than just implementing technology!

You can contact us at if you need to know how to be successful in your Digital Transformation journey.

