12 Promising Terra Powered Protocols

Danxia Capital
Qi Capital
21 min readNov 26, 2021


The Dual Token System

Since the beginning of this year, Terra’s Luna coin has grown more than 50x and still has a great future ahead, given the rising demand for stablecoins and financial services in the Defi space. The best way to think of the Terra-Luna network is as a fully digital, decentralized financial institution with its own central reserve. Its customers can earn interest on their assets, spend them through its payment system, and even invest in synthetic stocks. A rich ecosystem has already been built on top of the Terra-Luna ecosystem. So in this article, we will first introduce Terra, followed by an introduction to12 promising projects built on top of it in alphabetical order.


Terra is a smart-contract enabled blockchain adopting the Cosmos software development kit (SDK) and Tendermint Proof-of-Stake (PoS) consensus mechanism. It focuses on payment processing and stablecoins to solve the problem of the price volatility of cryptocurrencies. Unlike Tether (USDT), an off-chain collateralized stablecoin backed by non-crypto currency bank deposits, Terra’s stablecoins (e.g., UST) are algorithmic stablecoins that are not collateralized but instead backed by its native LUNA token. As a result, its unique dual coin system offers both price-steadiness and high growth earnings potential. For example, when demand for Terra UST increases UST>$1 (decreases UST < $1), LUNA token holder can swap $1 worth of LUNA (UST) for UST (LUNA), thus making a profit. However, once the supply of UST (LUNA) increases, the price returns to $1. Thus, the whole process of mining LUNA (UST) in exchange for UST (LUNA) to reduce price volatility is called seigniorage.

Terra’s Chai payment system has already millions of users and processes billions of dollars in transactions each year. It is expected to grow as the project expands to countries beyond South Korea, such as Singapore, Thailand and Taiwan. Terra’s decentralized, permissionless and interoperable features make it an ideal blockchain platform to support a future digital economy. Furthermore, as the demand for cryptocurrency day-to-day transactions increases and the platform widens its geographical coverage, we believe that the Terra-Luna ecosystem will continue to expand rapidly.

Terra-Luna Ecosystem

Terra already has a large community of solid supporters/believers, which drive its growth. It offers a comprehensive ecosystem and is well-positioned for the future with unique projects, such as Anchor, Mirror and other promising protocols that we will discuss here. Together they form a well-rounded financial ecosystem, which attracts many new users and benefits them by offering high and stable yields.


Astral Money

One of the most important problems in the Defi sector is the lack of convenient payment and shopping mechanisms for merchants and customers. Astral solves this issue by connecting the outside world of buyers with merchants via the Terra ecosystem. The platform allows customers to pay for services with cryptocurrencies in an easy, quick and inexpensive fashion. Transaction completion time is less than ten seconds, and users do not get charged card processing fees. Furthermore, customers can receive rewards and special discounts.

Astral allows firms to open a new revenue stream from a business standpoint by accepting digital currencies and not just cash payments. Furthermore, the integration of merchants with its platform is quick and easy. Merchants can accept Terra’s stablecoin through their eCommerce content management system and process payments for users with lower fees and quicker settlement times than traditional payment gateways.

Twitter: https://twitter.com/astral_money

Astroport Finance

Astroport Finance

Astroport is a next-generation AMM, where travellers from all over the Terra galaxy (Mirrans, Terrans, Anchorians, Martians, Levanians and more) meet to trustlessly exchange assets. The protocol has been developed and built by an experienced high-class team consisting of Delphi Digital Labs, IDEO CoLab Ventures, Terraform Labs and Astroport builders (the “Astroport Joint Venture”). Unlike traditional AMMs that offer only one type of liquidity pool to suit the needs of all investors, Astroport takes it to another level by considering the needs of all liquidity providers and offering more flexibility and higher potential profitability. For instance, a traditional DEX (e.g., Uniswap) offers only Constant Product Pools, while Astroport offers three types of LPs. It provides Constant Product Pools (ideal for pairs with high volatility); Stableswap Invariant Pools (great for tokens with exchange rate 1:1, such as stable coin pairs); Liquidity Bootstrapping Pools (great for new tokens (long-tail assets)).

In addition, the protocol offers a unique feature called ASTRO Generators that enables simultaneous dual farming of ASTRO tokens and the governance tokens of any other community so that users are not faced with the decision to choose one over the other and can double their rewards. The project also provides outstanding security. Unlike many exchanges that use instantaneous pricing, Astroport applies time-weighted average prices (TWAPs) that are effective at providing close to real-time price information while making system hacks less likely. Astroport will also offer a unique user interface and user experience that meets the needs of traders, LPs (e.g., it will offer historical pool statistics), and the community. The protocol’s backward compatibility with Terraswap message formats will further enable simple integration with existing projects.

With the growing demand for Terra tokens, the ecosystem needs a new programmable decentralised exchange, one that’s extensible and community-owned, to meet users’ growing needs. Astroport offers just this.

Twitter: https://twitter.com/astroport_fi


Brokkr Finance

Brokkr’s goal is to make DeFi investing accessible to everyone. They intend to be a one-stop platform for all types of investment services. Initially, this will include synthetics, saving, lending, borrowing, staking and ETFs, but their offering will expand in the future. A synthetic asset is a tokenized derivative that mimics the value of another asset. Imagine that someone wants to trade $RUNE or $LUNA without holding the asset itself. Instead, one can trade their synthetic alternative, which tracks the underlying asset’s price using data oracles. Thorchain’s Liquidity Pools will fully back synthetic assets powered by Brokkr. They will possess the same level of security and will be redeemable 24/7.

Brokkr will also allow optimized automated investing in DeFi instruments according to the user’s risk appetite. For instance, it will offer a “low-risk” investing strategy that combines the anchor protocol and the mirror protocol to yield 40% stable interest. Furthermore, Brokkr will offer a ~20% yield for L1 assets such as Bitcoin and Ethereum. Moreover, since the user is only exposed to the underlying asset, there is no impermanent loss. In addition, with Brokkr, you will also be able to use your synthetic assets as collateral for lending and borrowing while your loans get repaid automatically.

Brokkr will also offer ETFs (exchange-traded funds). It is a basket of crypto assets traded between users. Not only does it provide the benefits of individual assets (e.g., growth potential), but it also offers a way to reduce idiosyncratic risk through diversification. The Thorchain network powers Brokkr’s synthetics assets, hence transaction fees and speed are inherited from Thorchain. Thanks to that, each transaction costs only 0,02 $RUNE, and transactions take only ~5 seconds, making trading super-fast!

Brokkr will be integrated with Terra and the Mirror protocol to give users access to synthetic stocks with crypto. Hence, thanks to Brokkr, you will access Thorchain services and Mirror synthetic stocks from one app. It will get even better once Thorchain synthetics get connected to IBC chains, and with the help of the mirror protocol and Terra, you will be able to lock BTC in long farm stocks. Lastly, Brokkr will be controlled through the Brokkr DAO with a $BRO token that will enable all token holders to help govern Brokkr and benefit from its activities.

Twitter: https://twitter.com/BrokkrFinance

Levana Protocol

Levana Protocol

Levana protocol (“Leverage any Asset”), thanks to a mechanism called the “Leverage Capsule” that simplifies and automates the leveraging process, allows investors to increase exposure to assets for a discount price. Levana protocol utilizes the Mars protocol and Terraswap in the following way.

A) Deposit $Luna into Mars protocol in exchange for $maLuna

B) Use $maLuna to borrow $UST

C) Convert $UST to $Luna via Terraswap

D) Add new $Luna to existing $Luna balance within Mars Protocol to borrow more $maLuna

E) Repeat the process until desired leverage is achieved.

The Levana protocol expands and complements the Terra ecosystem. Together with other protocols that focus on mirrored assets (Mirror protocol), high & stable yields (Anchor protocol), money markets (Mars protocol), etc., they form a comprehensive financial ecosystem. Since Terra already has a rich ecosystem with many dAPPs built on top, it provides excellent conditions and the needed support and community for the Levana protocol to grow. Levana protocol’s first product, the Levana Leverage Index (LLI) token ($Luna2x), is currently under audit and is expected to launch soon. The token provides 2x price exposure to the $Luna token. E.g., if $Luna goes up by 20%, the holders of the $Luna 2x-LLI token make almost 40% profit. On the other hand, if the market is down, Levana protocol introduced an auto-rebalancing mechanism that drastically reduces liquidation risk.

The Levana protocol has an ambitious roadmap, with perpetual swaps and options expected to be launched in the future. Besides, it also plans to offer value to other ecosystems via cross-chain settlement. The Levana protocol has a fantastic team with many years of industry experience. It is also supported by Delphi Digital, a team that has worked on numerous interesting projects, such as the Mars Protocol. A large percentage of tokens are allotted to the Levana_protocol community and treasury (50%), and the team and investors are subject to a lock-up period of 12 months. With the launch of Columbus 5 on the Terra network, we believe that the Levana protocol and its users can significantly benefit from it.

Twitter: https://twitter.com/Levana_protocol



Lending against your collateral is a common practice in the Defi space. Anchor protocol alone has a total borrowing volume of 1.2bln. If a loan surpasses 60% of its LTV on Anchor, the borrower’s collateral gets liquidated, which is likely when prices fluctuate significantly.

For example, assuming that Bob has 100 bLunas as collateral at $50/bLuna, he can borrow up to 2500 UST at an LTV of 50%. However, if the price of bLUNA drops to $40, Bob’s position will break the 60% LTV limit. In this case, the contract partially/fully liquidates the 100 bLUNA collateral. Helmut submits a bid to obtain Bob’s collateral at a discounted price, which is then converted to UST to repay Bob’s loan. The difference between the real price and Helmut’s price is what we call premium. The lower the premium, the higher the price that Helmut needs to pay.

Before, the liquidation process ran on 1st-come-1st-serve. Let us say that a greedy bot is only willing to accept a 10% premium for Bob’s 100 bLUNA collateral, while Helmut is willing to accept 5 %, then regardless of their offer, the greedy bot will always win due to its speed. However, thanks to Kujira’s ORCA protocol, this is not the case anymore. With the help of its simple and intuitive UI (https://orca.kujira.app), you can choose a premium, and the system takes care of the rest for you.

When liquidation occurs, assets are liquidated in order from the lowest to the highest premium (order book style) and split evenly across users bidding at the same premium while giving bots no advantage. Not only does this mechanism make the market fairer for Helmut and more competitive, but it also offers better incentives to Bob, who would have otherwise thought twice before borrowing. Moreover, to further incentivise borrowers, they are compensated for losses with airdrops. Once Helmut wins the bid using Kujira’s ORCA protocol, he can then sell his discounted Luna for an immediate profit in the market, regardless of the market conditions. Hence, such a strategy can be pretty effective throughout bear markets when fewer outside options exist.

The ORCA protocol generates revenue from liquidations and fund withdrawal, which then is allocated into a $KUJI liquidity pool. The system is so built that when paying fees in $KUJI, users enjoy 50–90% discounts on the UST value, which incentivises them to own $KUJI. In addition, Kujira’s ORCA protocol will also offer $KUJI staking rewards for allocating assets into the KUJI-UST pool. Note that the ORCA dApp is only one of many Kujira projects. The team has a very ambitious roadmap with many upcoming projects. In addition to ORCA, they are already working on other projects, including Beluga, which allows users to send any CW20 token on Terra to multiple addresses simultaneously in one transaction. They also plan to make all Kujira apps cross-chain compatible.

Twitter: https://twitter.com/TeamKujira

Mars Protocol

Mars protocol

Mars Protocol is a revolutionary credit protocol that utilizes dynamic interest rates and smart-contract-to-smart-contract (SC2SC) lending to provide the best possible user experience. While Anchor protocol provides one of the industry’s most secure and highest yielding savings platforms, the Mars protocol focuses on providing high-yielding lending and borrowing services, something that is missing in the terra ecosystem. In addition, Mars protocols enable Terra native assets (mAssets, ANC, MIR) to be borrowed and used as collateral, thus offering better benefits to lenders and borrowers.

While many existing protocols offer inflexible and fixed IRs, the Mars protocol introduces a dynamic interest rate model that reacts to changing market conditions without a governance proposal and thus can offer better returns. Furthermore, SC2SC lending enables borrowers to borrow assets from the LP without collateral. E.g., instead of depositing both assets to the, e.g., MIR-UST LP, the user only needs to provide $MIR (without an equivalent in UST), hence generating 2x exposure/higher earnings potential.

To ensure the security and stability of the Mars protocol, xMARS holders are responsible for governance and insuring protocol risk in return for receiving a share of the protocol’s revenue. As a result, credit protocols such as Aave and Compound have performed exceptionally well in the existing Defi ecosystem, reaching billions of dollars in market caps.

Twitter: https://twitter.com/mars_protocol

Nebula Protocol

Nebula protocol

The Nebula protocol is a revolutionary Defi solution that allows users to create customized dynamic ETFs (clusters) and indices that mimic the movement of multiple crypto assets. A crypto ETF (exchange-traded fund) is a basket of crypto assets traded between users on a decentralized/centralized platform. Not only does it provide the benefits of individual assets, but it also offers a way to reduce idiosyncratic risk through diversification. A simple way to picture it is: If someone puts all their eggs in one basket, they put all their effort or resources into doing one thing so that, if it fails, they have no alternatives left. The keyword here is diversity; do not invest all your money into one asset. One of the differences between ETFs and dynamic ETFs is that the latter can switch exposure between multiple asset classes depending on the market environment. E.g., the community may prefer stablecoins during bear periods and project tokens during bull markets. Another interesting feature of the Nebula protocol is that it allows rebalancing using almost any methodology. For instance, one can rebalance crypto assets using parameters such as market cap, number of Twitter followers, etc. The community votes on the composition of each cluster and the rebalancing methodology behind it, thus making the Nebula protocol a genuinely decentralized, fair and efficient solution. While investing in traditional exchange-traded products (ETPs) is often managed by a handful of players and regulated by central authorities, the Nebula protocol is fully decentralized, thus allowing investors to be more creative than ever when producing ETPs. Here is an example of a Nebula protocol index composed of only Terra tokens:

“Terraforming” Index

  • Gain exposure to the Terra ecosystem.
  • Assets: LUNA, MIR, ANC, MINE
  • Weights: dynamically rebalanced by fully diluted market capitalization.

We strongly believe that the Nebula protocol will incentivise traditional investors to enter the DeFi sphere, thus bridging the traditional and decentralised financial markets. Dynamic ETFs will be one of the biggest financial products in crypto in the near future, so we strongly suggest keeping an eye on the Nebula protocol, as it provides just that. Moreover, like other protocols in this article, it is supported by one of the most powerful and promising ecosystems, namely, Terra.

Twitter: https://twitter.com/nebula_protocol

Prism Protocol

Prism protocol

Typically, to receive rewards and airdrops, one needs to place their LUNA token into a vault for a no. of days, which means that they become illiquid for that period. Alternatively, one can, e.g., generate bLUNA and then use it as collateral to take loans, provide liquidity, etc. However, Prism protocol enables you to do both simultaneously, something that has not been done in the Terra ecosystem before.

When one deposits their token into a prism_protocol vault, they will get a collateral token CT in return. CT can then be split into its two underlying assets, the principal token PT and the yield token YT. These new assets allow users to separate and isolate different risks. For example, an athlete who is good at running and long jump cannot participate in two competitions simultaneously. Rather than having one athlete, one would prefer to have two to increase the chances of winning. Similarly, a token can be split into two, with each one performing a different function. Here, the yield token is responsible for earning yield, airdrops, and other perks. The principal token is responsible for keeping the asset liquid so that one can borrow, trade, and provide liquidity. The Prism protocol empowers users with new opportunities by creating a new marketplace to trade these Principal & Yield Tokens. As there are too many use cases of those tokens, we will not list them here. Instead, we suggest taking a look at the litepaper:bit.ly/3CTfCN6.

Initially, Prism protocol will launch PRISM v1.0. It will use Luna as collateral and create a perpetual YT (yLUNA) and a perpetual PT (pLUNA), perpetual meaning that it has no maturity date. Furthermore, it will allow minting, staking, liquidity provision, trading, burning and redeeming. In the latter stage, Prism protocol will enable fixed-term contracts in addition to their existing perpetual contracts with 1,3,6,9 and 12-month terms. Moreover, they are also planning to add more tokens that can be used as collateral, such as ETH, SOL, ATOM and DOT.

The Prism protocol decided to build its project on the Terra network because of the UST token and its genuinely decentralized nature. Other stablecoins are often exposed to multiple risks, including regulations, mismanagement of collateral, etc. Their team consists of experts with many years of experience working on the trading floors of blue-chip financial institutions in the fixed income markets. Their high degree of expertise and the support of Terraform Labs provides strong foundations for future development.

Twitter: https://twitter.com/prism_protocol

Random Earth

Random Earth

As the Defi market develops, NFTs begin to play an increasingly more important role in the ecosystem. However, the existing environment for NFTs has many problems. For instance, existing AMMs often offer limited trading options concerning non-fungible assets. Randomearth aims to change that by bringing decentralised limit order books to Terra and allowing users to trade anything from $UST to Galactic Punks’NFTs.

Randomearth will support various products, including Galactic Punks NFTs and Levana protocol’s Evolutionary NFTs. Projects can also build on top of their infrastructure. Examples of projects powered by Random Earth include Sigma Finance and the Prism protocol. Building a marketplace on top of Randomearth’s core infrastructure has many advantages. For example, it supports fractional NFTs, un-collateralised bidding, arbitrary asset auctions, etc.

  • Fractional NFTs

Fractional non-fungible tokens (F-NFTs) are the newest craze of the crypto art world. They democratise owning a unique piece of art by allowing anyone to own a smaller piece of it.

  • Uncollateralised Bidding

Randomearth bids are stored off-chain (e.g., on Anchor protocol), and as a result, one can broadcast only their intention to purchase an NFT (with no gas cost). Assets need only to be deposited into Random Earth at the settlement date when an auction closes.

  • Arbitrary Asset Auctions

Randomearth offers Arbitrary Asset Auctions. It allows users to place orders in whatever units they desire. For instance, someone can bid in $aUST. Thus $UST never has to leave Anchor_protocol even at settlement.

Executing orders on Randomearth costs half as much gas as swapping on traditional AMMs. Furthermore, since orders are generated and stored off-chain, users can expect auctions to cost no gas at all. The most valuable NFTs will be backed by solid intellectual property (like NBA Top Shots or celebrity fan NFTs). Randomearth is building partnerships with artists, entertainers, and content creators to launch IP-backed NFTs on their platform. Randomearth’s NFT Marketplace will offer first-class login support through Google/Facebook/Twitter OAuth, while Terra wallets are generated behind the scenes. This way, anybody (even a person with no crypto experience) can engage with content on their platform.

On Randomearth, NFTs will be used primarily to foster fan engagement. We expect creators to want to build long-term relationships with their fans beyond the initial NFT sale. Hence, they intend to build Random Earth into a social platform with gamification via NFT rewards. Randomearth plans to utilise Wormholecrypto’s cross-chain bridge to purchase and transfer NFTs across multiple blockchains, including Terra, Ethereum, Solana, and Binance Smart Chain. Randomearth also plans to integrate with vendors to enable fiat payments on their platform. Hence, cash can be used to purchase NFTs, and if one chooses, he or she will not need a crypto wallet to hold their assets.

Twitter: https://twitter.com/randomearth_io

Spar Protocol

Spar protocol

There are two types of participants in the Spar protocol: investors and fund managers.

From an investor’s perspective, it offers passive investment opportunities with more control and exposure to higher rates of return with the minimal input of time. Spar protocol investors can scan through a list of pools on the platform and select one or several with the most attractive risk/returns for their investment appetite. In addition, there are no deposit or withdrawal restrictions for investors on the Spar protocol, meaning that investors can withdraw their funds from a selected pool at any time, thus significantly reducing counterparty risk.

From a manager’s perspective, Spar protocol offers passive management of investors’ liquidity at promising rates of return. Pool managers are incentivized to be active thanks to fee models that favour those that are active. Low trading fees are capped by $1.40 per trade. An intuitive way to think of the Spar protocol is as a decentralized hedge fund pool, similar to DHedge on the Ethereum network, where isolated liquidity pools of depositor assets rebalance and adjust based on the pool manager’s specific investment strategies.

Once users deposit capital into a pool on the Spar protocol, the manager uses these funds to generate returns based on his/her strategy. Managers can be ranked based on their performance. Since Terra and Mirror power the Spar protocol, investors can gain exposure to various asset classes within specific pools, including equities, commodities, ETFs, etc. Pool managers can even deploy the investor capital as an LP in Defi protocols, thus generating passive returns. For instance, Helmut divides $10,000 of capital between two pools: $5,000 into one pool consisting of only equity exposure to Tesla stocks, $5,000 into a pool that is 50% BTC and 50% yield farming on the Anchor protocol via borrowing UST by minting bLUNA and earning ANC rewards.

The Spar protocol will allow developers to build on top of its platform and induce a design space that permits pools to draw from cross-chain assets and deploy capital in yield farming opportunities, even beyond Terra’s ecosystem. Since the Spar protocol’s team has been involved with Terra from the beginning, they had the opportunity to learn how the Terra team operates and what kind of products fit best into the ecosystem. The Spar protocol does not like the title “crypto project” because it believes that crypto products surpass the phase of appealing only to a crypto audience. Instead, their products need to work for a wider user-set — finding ways to simplify the process is one of their key goals.

Twitter: https://twitter.com/spar_protocol

Void Protocol

Void protocol

The Void protocol provides a service where one can deposit a fixed amount to a contract and then withdraw it to a brand-new wallet with the help of a cryptic phrase, thus making the funds untraceable back to the original wallet. At the same time, by depositing their funds, users can earn a high yield, thus making Void protocol an ideal investment platform with the added layer of privacy that existing defi yield-farming and savings solutions lack.

In return for anonymity, it is recommended that users leave their assets in the contract for a long enough period. To achieve that, the Void protocol will offer many benefits, including fixed yields (Anchor protocol rewards) and pool rewards (22% of the token supply is reserved for it). Although leaving funds in the pool for X amount of time is usually a requirement to achieve anonymity, the protocol offers alternative ways to achieve that. Users can gradually withdraw their deposits, which provides additional flexibility and maximises their returns. The Void protocol will operate in a completely decentralised manner, which offers significant benefits in terms of security, transparency and peace of mind for the users. In time the protocol will also operate under complete control of the Void DAO.

Void plans to have two void anonymity pools, one for LUNA and the other for UST. In addition, users will be able to choose between a set of seizes for the deposit (UST Deposits: 1,000/10,000/100,000; LUNA Deposits: 100/1,000/10,000). This is aimed at increasing anonymity so that when withdrawing the funds to a new wallet, no one can guess (by looking at the withdrawal figure) who the owner of the assets is. The Terra ecosystem has many brilliant projects that, with the help of IBC can in the future integrate and collaborate with the Void protocol, thus providing an additional layer of privacy to those existing solutions, something that many users will increasingly desire. For the tokenomics of the Void protocol, one can refer to the image below.

Given the recent interest and demand for such privacy solutions (e.g., Monero) and the rapidly expanding Terra ecosystem, we believe that Void is an incredible project with plenty of potentials.

Twitter: https://twitter.com/ProtocolVoid

White Whale

White Whale protocol

The White Whale team created a product that enables small players to profit from arbitraging opportunities that usually would only be available to large whale investors, bots, and technical experts, while also providing additional protection barriers to the Terra UST peg. White Whale achieves that by pooling funds of multiple users together which then benefit from economies of scale and are used to participate in arbitrage opportunities. Arbitrage is the simultaneous purchase and sale of the same asset in different markets to profit from minor differences in the asset’s listed price. Arbitrage exists as a result of market inefficiencies, and it both exploits those inefficiencies and resolves them. In the case of the terra dual token system, arbitrage opportunities occur when the price of UST deviates from its intended 1-dollar peg. Thus, for example, one can burn Luna tokens in exchange for UST when UST<1 and swap Luna tokens to mint more UST when UST>1. In addition, the White Whale protocol also offers high return possibilities when UST=1, thanks to being integrated with the Anchor protocol. 90% of profits are distributed to depositors and 10% to governance and platform fees (government vault and war chest). Each vault will leverage the Anchor protocol, and each vault will buy whale tokens either to burn or distribute them to stakers.

Initially, White Whale will offer arbitrage opportunities between UST and LUNA. However, in the future, it plans to expand the services to other assets built on the Terra ecosystem, including bonded Luna (bLuna), TerraKRW, and mAssets on Mirror. Once there are many vaults on the platform, users will be able to deposit their tokens into the war chest, which will monitor all vaults simultaneously for the best opportunities, enabling a person to arbitrage the entire terra ecosystem from one vault. The White Whale protocol will also offer insurance on deposits, undergo auditing, launch a fair presale event for retail investors and offer incentives to existing users in the form of airdrops. Empowering the community to arbitrage UST and other synthetic assets on Terra will ultimately make the entire Terra ecosystem more secure, robust, and efficient.

Twitter: https://twitter.com/WhiteWhaleTerra

More Information

About Qi Capital

Qi Capital is a group of like-minded and experienced individuals from around the globe, sharing two common objectives: providing insights about crypto and Defi, and proactively working with ambitious teams on the future of decentralized finance. Our core principle is to promote and foster individual creativity, growing not only as a group but also as creative thinkers and builders. To learn more about us, check out our website www.qicapital.org and our “Qi Podcast” via www.buzzsprout.com/1729379/ or engage with us on Twitter: @QiCapital.


This content is for informational purposes only and you should not make decisions based solely on it. This is not investment advice. All market prices, data, and other information are not warranted as to completeness or accuracy, are based upon selected public market data, and reflect prevailing conditions and the author’s own views as of this date, all of which are accordingly subject to change without notice.

