Learn to Be Your Own Boss

Fabiana Meredith
Published in
2 min readApr 13, 2019

April 13th, 2019

It seems we are seeing an undeniable pattern in the workforce. The wage gap between upper elite and average middle-class continues to grow, while employee responsibilities continue to increase without a pay raise that adequately reflects the increase in work-load.

Walmart recently announced its unveiling of using a Robot workforce to assist in its retail operations (click here to read more). Each year we see a trend of Robots taking over jobs humans traditionally performed.

Even though, the idea of running your own business may sound scary, and possibly a little exciting too, the time has never been better than right now to take that leap. Technology, along with the rise of social media, is allowing individuals to operate a small business, learn valuable business and self-employment skills, and have the freedom of setting their own schedule, all of which translate into having a sense of personal and financial independence.

The most practical way to begin a small business is to not quite your day job right away. Instead, begin your small business by putting together the beginning essentials, and then practice it little-by-little. The knowledge you will gain along the way is priceless!

As a mother, I have experienced the value of having time-freedom to also be a Mom. Having the opportunity to guide my children towards gaining self-employment skill-sets is also valuable.

If you are interested in learning ways to begin your self-employment journey, or you are interested in scaling up a business you’ve already started, feel free to submit the “Join the Community” Contact Form on my personal website — www.DreamLaughSmile.com

-Fabiana Meredith

Fabiana Meredith is the co-founder of QiCommunity.com — a holding company founded to inspire people to live full, complete lives.

