Contribute with multiple currencies to qiibee’s crowd sale

Offering you plenty of flexibility — with various crypto currencies

Jacqueline B.
3 min readOct 2, 2018


In light of our recently kicked off crowd sale, we’re happy to announce that you can contribute with a great variety of crypto currencies. We offer you the opportunity to use other crypto currencies besides the common ones to contribute and be part of bringing loyalty on the blockchain.

Available currencies to contribute with

For our crowd sale we’re offering you to contribute — next to FIAT — and the classic crypto currencies such as:

  • ETH (Ethereum)
  • BTC (Bitcoin)
  • BCH (Bitcoin Cash)
  • XRP (Ripple)
  • LTC (Litecoin)
  • DASH

…also the following currencies:

  • OMG (OmiseGo)
  • NPXS (PundiX)
  • BAT (Basic Attention Token)
  • GNT (Golem)
  • BNT (Bancor)
  • STORM Token
  • WINGS Token
  • REP (Augur)
  • BNB (Binance Coin)
  • ZRX (OX)

If you are a holder of one of these cryptos, make sure to participate in our running crowd sale!

So the question is only, in which currency or token will you contribute? 😃

👉 Click here to secure your QBX 😎

All the reasons WHY you should contribute

Apart from our top notch product, team and vision, we also have cold hard facts to solidify the potential of our business. Our working product is tried and tested — together with Lattesso, we are the company behind Crypto Valley’s first proof-of-concept! And with some amazing results: During its “happy hour” campaign, Lattesso witnessed a sales increase of an astounding 61% and a traffic lift of 57%! On top of that, more than 10’000 digital wallets have been created since we rolled out our Lattesso product — and this within only 1.5 months. If you put this into relation to the 30m wallets existing worldwide, you can begin to imagine just how far we can go with bringing crypto to everyone!

Apart from our strong offering and pipeline, we also have designed our token economics in a way that provides a token that has a value anchored in fundamentals. Essentially, the demand for our token will be driven by B2B business, which is pushed by our network of powerful partnering agencies. And, the more brands choose to join our ecosystem, the higher the demand for QBX. We are projecting a very strong pipeline in the future: For instance if we onboard over 200 major brands within the next 3 years — the demand for the QBX that would be generated out of it, would be in the hundreds of millions! Given that the QBX purchased by the brands are frozen in a smart contract, the QBX supply is limited as a consequence. Creating a dynamic of high demand and low supply.

Now, jump on the qiibee rocketship and bring loyalty on the blockchain 😎

Become a part of our exciting project 🚀 Participate by clicking here!

Disclaimer: All of the information presented in this blog post is tentative and is subject to change at any time. None of the information herein should be construed as legal, accounting, or investment advice of any kind. This blog post does not represent a solicitation for investment, nor does it represent an offering or sale, public or private, of any kind of financial instrument, security or otherwise, in any jurisdiction. This blog post is provided as-is, for informational purposes only, with the intention of describing a prospective software system.

