Get to know the force behind qiibee and some fun facts

We have been moving front, left, right and center to ensure that we have the product, the technology and the ecosystem to bring you the best qiibee experience possible. Today, we want to give you some insights into how the qiibee powerhouse has been working and share with you some of the most amazing facts about our team and business. Are you ready for it?

Jacqueline B.
3 min readOct 20, 2018


As you can clearly see above, we have been getting around the world quite a bit this year. In total, our team has covered an astounding 240’771 kilometres by plane, with 384 hours spent on board in a total of 64 flights. To put this into perspective, this distance travelled equals the distance of more than 11 times the Great Wall of China, 34 times the Amazon river, the longest river on the planet or about 70% of the distance to the moon.

Of course all this flying around had a higher purpose: During the last few months, we have attended several conferences, organized great meetups and held various presentations in a total of 12 different countries. And this is just talking about travelling by plane alone: If we count the hours and hours spent in a car or on the train… Let’s just say we have been doing a ton of travelling. And all of this in the name of making the right connections for the greater qiibee good!

8 facts you must know about our team

Now, you know a lot about how hard we have been working to bring qiibee to the masses. But who are the people behind the project powering this movement? Currently, we are a team of 18 people with an average age of 30 years coming from a variety of backgrounds: In total, 10 countries are represented — Switzerland, Germany, Italy, Israel, China, Argentina, Serbia, Portugal and the US. Consequently, we are a multilingual team, with more than 10 languages spoken on a fluent level! How cool’s that?

Our team also has some serious entrepreneurial energy: 7 employees have started their own companies or projects (some even more than one!) and have even successfully sold some of them. Of course, as always, it all lies in the balance: Our team members have also spent time gaining considerable experience in the corporate world, with time spent at the likes of BCG, Goldman Sachs or Credit Suisse, just to name a few.

Naturally, we wouldn’t be anywhere without our highly talented tech cracks. And these guys come with some quirky facts as well: One of our developers for instance has been coding since the tender age of 9 and did his first exit at the age of 10! And one of our blockchain engineers has interned at CERN, one of the world’s largest and most respected centres for scientific research. Pretty impressive, right?

And this is just a small excerpt of what defines us as a team. As you can tell, we are super well-rounded with a very specific skill-set across the different members and an the corporate experience that perfectly complements our entrepreneurial spirit. All of this puts us in the perfect position to launch qiibee into the next phase of taking over the world of loyalty!

We hope you have enjoyed this little excourse and that you now have a much better feel for what we are all about. Stay tuned for a closer look at our cool team members, as we will do a more detailed profile on each of our busy bees in the coming weeks.

Disclaimer: All of the information presented in this blog post is tentative and is subject to change at any time. None of the information herein should be construed as legal, accounting, or investment advice of any kind. This blog post does not represent a solicitation for investment, nor does it represent an offering or sale, public or private, of any kind of financial instrument, security or otherwise, in any jurisdiction. This blog post is provided as-is, for informational purposes only, with the intention of describing a prospective software system.

