qiibee News — April 2020

We hope all our loyal qiibeeans are happy and healthy! Through the shutdown — almost all around the world during last month — we had the chance to focus even more on qiibee and bringing loyalty on the blockchain to everyone! And therefore we are delight to present you our highlights from April 2020.

Jacqueline B.
3 min readMay 11, 2020


qiibee’s Admission to the Swiss Blockchain Federation

What made us really excited last month, was the positive feedback from the board of the Swiss Blockchain Federation, which has accepted our application. We are now officially part of said federation and can’t wait to actively support Switzerland’s leadership position in the global blockchain market.

Our CEO, Gabriele Giancola said: “It is important to us that Switzerland is competitive as a location with global hubs in order to attract more talent and capital. We also believe that everyone must work together to set the right regulatory standards that create the necessary legal certainty at all levels.”

More than 1'000 people took part in the TakeCareSelfCheck by qiibee

You might remember that we are all doing home office since mid of March, in order to stay healthy and not risk anyone else. But besides staying home, we believed that taking care of each other needed more awareness and people acting fast.

We therefore took this to the next level and incited people to check whether they might have the Coronavirus or not.

And within four weeks, over 1’000 people went through the self-check. We believe that we helpted even more people out there to stop spreading the virus, also by explaining how self-quarantine is done correctly in case of a potential infection.

We are proud to say that the qiibee community is one that supports each other, takes care of their loved ones and contributed to limit the spread of Covid-19.

For Brands:
How to benefit from your loyalty system during times of Covid-19

The global corona crisis has the world still in suspense. Solidarity and loyalty is saving the world right now. More than ever, loyalty is key as your loyal customers are the ones supporting you now. Focusing on your loyalty program at the moment is therefore essential.

To encourage you to interact with your loyal customers, we have gathered different options on how to do so and profit from your loyalty program in times of crisis. We see great possibilities to even benefit through the current situation — by focusing on your loyal customers, coming from your loyalty program. Check out the blogpost here.

Remember? qiibee is on the outlook for new talents and looking forward to expanding the team around the globe! And in the meantime we’ve added more opportunities. So if you want to be part of an awesome team, rocking the world of loyalty on the blockchain: Check out our open positions!

More soon,
Your qiibee Team

