qiibee News — March 2020

The global corona crisis has the world in suspense and we from team qiibee are therefore all strictly doing home office and hope that every single one of you is doing well. Despite the uncertain situation, we want to showcase you some qiibee insights from the last month.

Jacqueline B.
3 min readApr 14, 2020


qiibee stays at home

As mentioned, every single qiibee team member is working from home, since more than four weeks now. So qiibee accepted the #StayHomeChallenge to #FlattenTheCurve. ;)

Of course, we loved home office ever since the beginning, but especially at the moment, we feel responsible to stay healthy and keep everyone else safe by working from home.

And this is how it looks like for Team qiibee when everyone does home office:

Our Head of Blockchain tackles info and delivery roadblocks in India during Corona

Our Head of Blockchain, Aaron De Miranda Colaço recently joined an online hackathon, #CoronathonIndia, to collaborate on projects that can help India through the Covid-19 pandemic.
They built CoronaDailyUpdates.org to tackle the problem of fake-news about the virus, government policies, supply chains, etc., as this misinformation leads to panic, social unrest, hoarding, and misconceptions about a cure.
There are a lot of elaborate dashboards out there but they remain largely inaccessible to the majority of the population that is coincidentally also the most susceptible to misinformation.
They therefore decided to send accurate and verified hyperlocal information to subscribers based on their zip code over whatsapp / sms.

This has a great opportunity to scale and provide valuable information at the grassroots level.

qiibee’s hiring!

Despite the current situation, qiibee is on the outlook for new talents and looking forward to expanding the team around the globe! And hey, we love remote work ;) so what are you waiting for? Check out all open positions and be part of an awesome team, rocking the world of loyalty on the blockchain.

Tech update: iOS/Android/React-Native Wallet SDKs are ready!

The SDKs help brands to integrate their loyalty program with the qiibee blockchain on both, server- and client-side. Whereas the server SDKs provide access to the qiibee API to submit transfers and read data (eg. transaction history of an address), the newly released client SDKs now allow the same operations to be performed in a mobile environment but for a single user wallet.

Until our next monthly newsletter we wish you best of health and hope that beginning of May, the world is slowly but surely recovering and getting back to “normal mode”.

More soon,
Your qiibee Team

