qiibee Seed Round Officially Closed

Jacqueline B.
Published in
2 min readFeb 5, 2018

We’ve hit another important milestone in the life of qiibee.

Our seed round officially came to a close on Monday evening the 29th of January at 7pm Central European Time. By the end of the round, even we were impressed by the numbers. We sold more than 65 mio. QBX Tokens, which had an aggregated value of 3.25 million USD at the end of the seed round and which made it into the hands of over 60 contributors. In total, more than 600 participants filled out a request to be whitelisted by qiibee.

And boy, was our path to 65 mio. tokens an exciting one. At the end of this round, we learned so much from both the process and the outcome, and we’re excited to share our new insights with you.

It didn’t take long for things to take off: after announcing our new partnership with Lattesso, we found ourselves inundated with contribution requests. In fact, during the final days of our crowd sale, the entire qiibee team spent our time making KYC calls.

In the end, we received more than 6.5 million USD-worth of requests. While approximately 2.5 million USD-worth of those requests were lost due to the Swiss government’s strict KYC / AML regulations, we were honored by and grateful for all the interest in qiibee.

You might notice that we are not yet finished with the distribution of all the QBX. This isn’t because we want to keep them to ourselves, but because some of the fiat transactions are still pending. Nevertheless we wanted to show you the results we have achieved.

For those who missed the contribution deadline: don’t worry, you’ll have one more opportunity. Our crowd sale is just around the corner, so mark your calendars for this coming Summer. And next time around, we’ll be lowering the minimum contribution so more people can participate.

Disclaimer: All the information in this article are for informational purposes only and do not constitute legal, accounting, or investment advice of any kind. This article does not represent a solicitation for investment, nor does it represent an offering or sale, public or private, of any kind of financial instrument, security or otherwise, in any jurisdiction.

