Take care of others, with qiibee!

By staying home and doing home office we take care of others. Because only together, as a loyal community, we can stop the virus spreading and infecting more people! We believe this still needs more awareness and people acting fast! Therefore we want to take this to the next level and incentivize thousands of people to check whether they might have the Coronavirus. This is why we urge you to spend 1min on this self-check.

Jacqueline B.
1 min readApr 9, 2020


Besides helping your loved ones and yourself, we actually reward you for answering the questionnaire and being loyal to one another, with TakeCareTokens.

If you answer the questions, you’ll receive 1'000 TakeCareTokens which you can convert in QBX tokens. QBX tokens can be exchanged in BTC (Bitcoin) and ETH (Ethereum).

And at the end of the questionnaire, you’ll also learn, how self-quarantine is done correctly in case of a potential infection.

Let’s spread this self-test as fast as possible, all around the world! Share it with family, friends, colleagues from work and the rest of the planet!

Let’s get through this together by loyally looking after each other!

One for all, all for one!

To the self-test: https://forms.gle/GArZPMxj2xrfW5ETA

