The road ahead

Jacqueline B.
Published in
3 min readNov 5, 2018

As you might already know: We have just successfully onboarded HTS, a hospitality software solutions provider with 30 partners and 550 customers in over 20 countries. On top of that, there are 5 brands that are just waiting to be announced — so stay tuned for more exciting news to come! Moreover, we also have amazing feedback from our recent roll-out with Lattesso, for which we want to share all the juicy details with you.

People love crypto rewards!

Of course you all know, we launched our campaign with coffee producer Lattesso a couple of months ago, and with great success. People love crypto rewards. We saw that especially during a happy hour campaign with Lattesso, where customers had the chance to earn double the amount of crypto within a 24h period, the coffee producer witnessed a sales increase of incredible 61% and a traffic increase of 57%! Not only that, more importantly, within the first 1.5 months of the roll-out, more than 10’000 digital wallets have been created — and that was only with our first brand roll-out. With exciting brands waiting to join our ecosystem, this number is likely to blow up!

During that time, MindNow, one of our partnering marketing agencies, conducted a study with 2’000 people to understand the psychology behind loyalty on the blockchain, or, more simply put, how people feel about crypto rewards. And the results are stunning — 84% of the respondents claimed to prefer crypto rewards over traditional loyalty points. With these results backing us up, we are more convinced than ever that blockchain is the way to go for loyalty programs!

What comes next

Our project has been receiving an immense amount of attention from brands from all around the globe, who are interested in running their loyalty programs on the blockchain. There is one brand that needs to remain anonymous for now as it hasn’t been announced yet, but we would like to illustrate the potential reach we can generate with this partnership. Said brand is one of the largest publishing houses in Italy, which reaches 20m clients with over 600 points of sale every year. Other than that, we are also working together with China-based Foodchains, which is planning to roll out its loyalty program to Wheelys Cafe (a Y Combinator-backed bicycle cafe chain with more than 900 cafes in 73 countries!) and to over 60 independent Shanghai-based restaurants. Think about how this translates into millions and millions of crypto rewards and the amount of people we can introduce to the crypto and blockchain space. And this with merely 2 brands — imagine the network effects that are possible with 20, 200 or even 2000 brands!

Assuring high quality

Are you wondering why we are keeping you on your toes with our brand announcements? Although there is a pipeline with various big name brands waiting to be integrated, we have decided to focus the rollout to thoroughly test and receive feedback from brands and customers, so that we can optimize and finetune our product. The goal is to complete the integration of a lot more companies in the next few months — so be prepared for some heavy action as we move towards 2019.

We continue to turn heads around the world and with the help of our valued marketing agencies, we will keep pushing our reach further and further. And we are so proud to have you by our side on our journey to crypto rewards for everyone! :)

Disclaimer: All of the information presented in this blog post is tentative and is subject to change at any time. None of the information herein should be construed as legal, accounting, or investment advice of any kind. This blog post does not represent a solicitation for investment, nor does it represent an offering or sale, public or private, of any kind of financial instrument, security or otherwise, in any jurisdiction. This blog post is provided as-is, for informational purposes only, with the intention of describing a prospective software system.

